Install Docker and Docker-Compose. Start your virtual machines with the following shell command:
docker-compose up --build
If all works well, you should be able to create an admin account with:
docker-compose run backend python createsuperuser
View sent e-mails in Mailgun.
Deployment occurs in a series of steps. Some deployment steps do not need to be performed very often.
At a high-level, the steps are:
- Deploy VPC and RDS (once)
- Deploy frontend (as-needed)
- Deploy backend (as-needed)
First, install the CDK dependencies:
npm install -g aws-cdk
cd deploy
pip install -r deploy/requirements.txt
Next, deploy using cdk
cdk deploy sample_prj-networking-db
cdk deploy sample_prj-frontend
Update the backend Lambda instance by running the following commands:
cd backend
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/deploy.txt
zappa update prod
You'll also want to perform some post-deployment tasks:
- Migrate the DB:
zappa manage prod migrate
- Build static files and copy to S3:
zappa manage prod "collectstatic --noinput
- Copy secret env variables to S3:
aws s3 cp env.json s3://
The frontend has to be built before it can be deployed.
Run make build
to build the frontend from the project directory.
Next, cd deploy
then run cdk deploy sample_prj-frontend
, which will handle creating/updating
an S3 bucket and Cloudfront distribution, upload the frontend files to S3, and invalidate the
Cloudfront cache.
Finally, mark the release on Sentry:
sentry-cli releases new <version>
sentry-cli releases files <version> upload-sourcemaps frontend/dist/js/
sentry-cli releases finalize <version>