This is an unofficial PyTorch implementation for detecting out-of-distribution examples in neural networks. The method is described in the paper Enhancing The Reliability of Out-of-distribution Image Detection in Neural Networks by S. Liang, Yixuan Li and R. Srikant. The method reduces the false positive rate from the baseline 34.7% to 4.3% on the DenseNet (applied to CIFAR-10) when the true positive rate is 95%.
We used two neural network architectures, DenseNet-BC and Wide ResNet. The PyTorch implementation of DenseNet-BC is provided by Andreas Veit and Brandon Amos. The PyTorch implementation of Wide ResNet is provided by Sergey Zagoruyko. The experimental results are shown as follows. The definition of each metric can be found in the paper.
Install requirements:
while read requirement; conda install --yes $requirement;or pip install $requirement; end < requirements.txt
Download datasets:
cd data
chmod 777 ./
Here is an example code reproducing the results of DenseNet-BC trained on CIFAR-10 where TinyImageNet (crop) is the out-of-distribution dataset. The temperature is set as 1000, and perturbation magnitude is set as 0.0014. In the root directory, run
cd src
python --nn densenet10 --dataset Uniform --magnitude 0.0014 --temperature 1000
or using tmux
cd bash_scripts
tmuxp load produce_score.yaml
cd notebooks
jupyter lab
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