
branchLSTM model from Turing at SemEval-2017 Task 8: Sequential Approach to Rumour Stance Classification with Branch-LSTM

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This code is the implementation of the branch-LSTM model from the paper Turing at SemEval-2017 Task 8: Sequential Approach to Rumour Stance Classification with Branch-LSTM, available here.

This version of the code uses Python 2.7 with the Lasagne and Theano libraries.

Table of Contents

Reproducible Research Champions

In May 2018, Elena Kochkina was selected as one of the Alan Turing Institute's Reproducible Research Champions - academics who encourage and promote reproducible research through their own work, and who want to take their latest project to the "next level" of reproducibility.

The Reproducible Research programme at the Turing is led by Kirstie Whitaker and Martin O'Reilly, with the Champions project also involving Louise Bowler from the Research Engineering Group.

Each of the Champions' projects will receive several weeks of support from the Research Engineering Group throughout 2018-2019. Over this time, we will work on the project together with Elena and will track our efforts in this repository. So far, we've added installation instructions, minimised inter-platform differences in the data preprocessing stage and made it easier to extract the values listed in the tables from the paper. Given our focus on reproducibility, we obviously don't intend to change any of the code's core functionality - but we hope that our work, both past and future, will make it easier for you to install, use and test out your own ideas with the branch-LSTM methodology.

You can keep track of our progress through the Issues tab, and find out more about the Turing's Reproducible Research Champions project here.

A note on reproducibility

Parts of this project can be run on a typical desktop/laptop, but a GPU of the same type used for the original analysis needs to be used to reproduce the results in the paper. Details of this process can be found in the second set of installation instructions below. If you opt for using a local machine or different GPU card, you'll still be able to step through the branch-LSTM workflow, but do note that the results will be slightly different (we typically see changes of below 0.5% in overall accuracy when using the saved set of hyperparameters).

Option 1: Installation on a local machine

To begin, clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/kochkinaelena/branchLSTM.git

The datasets from the SemEval-2017 Task 8 challenge and a Word2Vec model pretrained on the Google News dataset are required.

These files should be placed in the downloaded_data folder. Instructions for acquiring these files may be found in the README inside the downloaded_data folder.

We recommend creating a new virtual environment and installing the required packages via pip.

cd <your-branchLSTM-directory>
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Option 2: Installation on a Microsoft Azure VM with GPU

While it is possible to load and apply the final model on a typical desktop/laptop, GPU resources are highly recommended if you want to run the full hyperparameter search.

The instructions below guide you though setting up branch-LSTM on a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine. Free trial accounts are available for students and other users.

Running the hyperparameter search should take approximately 5-6 hours on an NC6 VM.

Set up the VM

Once you have your account, log into the Azure portal and start the process of creating your VM.

  • Click on "Create a resource" and select "Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS".
  • In the "Basics" panel, you will need to select "VM disk type = HDD". Other options may be set as you wish (see this page for general instructions).
  • In the "Size" panel, select NC6 - this is the smallest GPU available, but is sufficient for our purposes.
  • Change the options in the final panels if you want, and then create the resource.

Note: If you have trouble finding the NC6 option, make sure the HDD disk type is specified or try changing the location.

Install CUDA

Once you have logged into the VM, run the commands below to install the CUDA toolkit.

wget https://developer.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/8.0/Prod2/local_installers/cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-8-0-local-ga2_8.0.61-1_amd64-deb
mv cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-8-0-local-ga2_8.0.61-1_amd64-deb cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-8-0-local-ga2_8.0.61-1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-8-0-local-ga2_8.0.61-1_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cuda

Specify the paths to CUDA by adding the following to your .bashrc file:

export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-8.0
export PATH=${CUDA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

and then reload with

source ~/.bashrc

Download branchLSTM

Clone the git repo and move into the branchLSTM directory.

git clone https://github.com/kochkinaelena/branchLSTM.git
cd branchLSTM

Follow the instructions in the README for details of how to download the datasets needed for this project.

Install python packages

pip is not preinstalled on this VM, so we must do that before creating a virtual environment. Having activated the virtual environment, we install all required packages listed in requirements.txt.

sudo apt install python-pip
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run with the hyperparameters used in the paper

This option can be run on machines both with and without a GPU, but you may find subtly different results from the paper when using approaches other than that described in the Option 2 installation instructions.

If you do run these commands on a GPU, set the flags for Theano to THEANO_FLAGS='floatX=float32,device=gpu' rather than THEANO_FLAGS='floatX=float32'.

  • Run the preprocessing stage to convert the data into a format that is compatible with Lasagne.
python preprocessing.py
  • Construct the model using the optimal set of hyperparameters and apply to the test dataset. The hyperparameters will be loaded from output/bestparams_semeval2017.txt.
THEANO_FLAGS='floatX=float32' python outer.py

The results are saved in output/predictions.txt in a format compatible with the scoring script.

  • Evaluate the performance of the model with the official SemEval-2017 scoring script (this script uses Python 3 rather than Python 2, so we specify the correct Python version).
python3 scorer/scorerA.py "subtaska.json" "output/predictions.txt"
  • We can also generate the results that populate most of the tables in the paper (a couple of these, indicated in the output, require files generated during the hyperparameter optimisation process).
python depth_analysis.py

Run with a new set of optimised hyperparameters

The hyperparameter optimisation stage is the most time-consuming aspect of this project. We highly recommend using a GPU, as detailed above, for running these commands. On an NC6 virtual machine from Microsoft Azure, the optimisation process typically takes 5-6 hours.

  • Begin by running the preprocessing stage.
python preprocessing.py
  • Now determine the optimal set of hyperparameters. You can set the seed to anything you like (we've used 1 as an example), or you can leave it unset and the system time will be used as a seed. The latter approach was used when producing the results for the paper. This particular seed is used to set the first combination of hyperparameters tested by hyperopt.
THEANO_FLAGS='floatX=float32,device=gpu' python outer.py --search=True --ntrials=100 --hseed=1
  • The previous stage stores the optimal hyperparameters in output/bestparams.txt. We now reload those parameters, reconstruct the model and apply it to the test data.
THEANO_FLAGS='floatX=float32,device=gpu' python outer.py --params='output/bestparams.txt'
  • We can then apply the official scorer script to the predictions, which are stored in output/predictions.txt. Note that this script requires Python 3.
python3 scorer/scorerA.py "subtaska.json" "output/predictions.txt"
  • And we can also generate the results for the tables in the paper.
python depth_analysis.py

Code structure


  • Preprocesses the data into format suitable for use with Lasagne and saves arrays into the saved_data folder
  • load_dataset loads data into a python dictionary
  • tree2branches splits tree into branches
  • cleantweet replaces urls and pictures in the tweet with picpicpic and urlurlurl tokens
  • str_to_wordlist applies cleantweet and tokenizes the tweet, optionally removing stopwords
  • loadW2vModel loads W2V model into global variable
  • sumw2v turns tweet into sum or average of its words' vectors
  • getW2vCosineSimilarity computes cosine similarity between tweets
  • tweet2features extracts features from tweet
  • convertlabel converts str labels to int


  • build_nn defines the architecture of the Neural Network
  • iterate_minibatches splits the training data into mini-batches and returns iterator
  • objective_train_model trains the model on the training set, evaluates on development set and returns output in a format suitable for use with the hyperopt package


  • eval_train_model re-trains the model on training and development set and evaluates on the test set


  • parameter_search defines parameter space, performs parameter search using objective_train_model and hyperopt TPE search.
  • convertlabeltostr converts int labels to str
  • eval passes parameters to eval_train_model, does results postprocessing to fit with scorer.py and saves results
  • main brings all together, controls command line arguments
  • The following options are available:
    • --search: boolean, controls whether parameter search should be performed (default --search=False)
    • --ntrials: if --search=True then this controls how many different parameter combinations should be assessed (default --ntrials=10)
    • --test: boolean, if --search=True, this sets the type of parameter search to be run (default --test=False;)
    • --params: specifies filepath to file with parameters if --search=False (default --params=output/bestparams_semeval2017)
    • -h, --help: explains the command line arguments


  • This file stores the parameters used in the competition and paper


Feel free to email E.Kochkina@warwick.ac.uk if you have any questions.