
💻 My dotfiles: .vimrc, .gitconfig, .bash_profile, etc

Primary LanguageVim Script

Carlos's dotfiles

forthebadge forthebadge

This are my dotfiles. I use mac and I mainly do PHP/Javascript development on MacVim.


  • GIT
  • Bash
  • MacVIM works best for the color schemes


  • Code formatting : Using Prettier to format code on saving.
  • Syntax Highlighting : Nice syntax for React/Javascript, PHP and other languages.
  • Color Schemes: Tons of color schemes provided by flazz/vim-colorschemes, also my custom theme called blanco.
  • Fuzzy Search Files: Type partial filenames and/or paths to quickly find files in your project.
  • File System Explorer: Browse and view the files and folders in your project.


Run this command to set up VIM:


Quick Commands

  • Ctrl + p = To start fuzzy searching a file
  • Ctrl + n = To open file system explorer