In this exercise, you shall experiment with a number of (simple) algorithms on several datasets. The aim is to get a feeling how well each of these algorithms works, and whether there are differences depending on the dataset.
The datasets are
- Iris, for Python, use
- Handwritten digits, of which we only use the test set of 1797 instances; for Python, use
- If you are a group of three (see below): Breast Cancer dataset; skip the ID field; in Python:
The classifiers you shall use are
- k-NN (with 3 different values for k)
- Naive Bayes
- Perceptron, and
- Decision Trees with 3 different parameter settings (e.g. some pre-pruning setting, different split criterion, ...)
For each dataset, you shall train and evaluate each classifier (with parameter variations), and then compute several evaluation metrics
- Effectiveness: Accuracy, and 1 more of your choice (precision, recall, F1, ...
- Efficiency: runtime for training & testing
- As evaluation set splitting technique, you shall use once the holdout method with 2/3 training and the rest for testing, and once cross validation with 5 folds.
You shall present these results in a tabular form, with one table for each dataset & splitting combination approach.
| Iris/5-folds | Accuracy | Precision| Training time | Testing time | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | k-NN (3-NN) | .85 | .82 | 0.1 sec | 27 sec | | Naive Bayes | .72 | .82 | 1 sec | 2 sec | | Decision Tree | .92 | .76 | 5 sec | 2 sec | | ... | ... | ...| ... | ... |
Then describe the results, and analyse e.g.:
- Which classifiers work best?
- Are there differences between the datasets?
- Are the differences in the efficiency measurements?
- How is the runtime changing with the different data sets?
- ...
You can solve this exercise alone, or in a group of two students. If you form a group, you need to extend your scope, by
- Adding a third dataset, namely breast cancer wisconsin
- For k-NN, using 5 different values for k instead of 3, and use both weighted and uniform distance (i.e. a total of 10 combinations); for Decision Trees, also add 3 more parameter variations
- Adding a third efficiency evaluation metric
Your submission shall contain
- The textual report
- All code samples and
- All data sets (if not already included in your software package, e.g. Python)
# load the Iris dataset
dataSet = datasets.load_iris()
# Shuffle our input data
randomState=24 # change the state with the numeric parts of your matrikelnummer; if you are in a group, use the sume of the numeric parts
data, target = shuffle(,, random_state=randomState)
# Prepare a train/test set split
# split 2/3 1/3 into training & test set
# We use the random number generator state +1; this will influence how our data is split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data, target, test_size=0.33, random_state=(randomState+1))
# parameters for k-NN
n_neighbors = 15
# train the k-NN
classifier = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors)
start_time_train = time.time(), y_train)
end_time_train = time.time()
# predict the test set on our trained classifier
start_time_test = time.time()
y_test_predicted = classifier.predict(X_test)
end_time_test = time.time()
# Compute metrics
acc=metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, y_test_predicted)
precision=metrics.precision_score(y_test, y_test_predicted, average="micro")
print("accuracy: " + str(acc))
print("precision: " + str(precision))
print("time training: " + str(end_time_train-start_time_train) + " seconds")
print("time training: " + str(end_time_test-start_time_test) + " seconds")