
Email Address parsing library for Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Email Address type for Rust

Build Status

This crate implements email address parsing for Rust, as well as an EmailAddress type, so you can stop stringly-typing your email addresses.

use emailaddress::EmailAddress;

fn main() {
    let email = EmailAddress::new("someone@example.com").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(&email.local, "someone"); 
    assert_eq!(&email.domain, "example.com");

// or with from_str:

use emailaddress::EmailAddress;

fn main() {
  let email = from_str::<EmailAddress>("someone@example.com").unwrap();
    EmailAddress {
        local: "someone".to_string(),
        domain: "example.com".to_string()


There are (erm..."will be") 3 different parsing algorithms. "simple", "rfc5322" and "rfc6531". Currently only "simple" is fully implemented.

Simple parsing

The "simple" parsing algorithm is this:

  • take the last occurrence of the '@' symbol
  • everything to the right of it is the domain part
  • everything to the left of it is the local port


Yes, that's it. Not really a parser. Not much of an algorithm. But for reasons why you would want to use it, see http://girders.org/blog/2013/01/31/dont-rfc-validate-email-addresses/ or just google/duckduckgo/startpage for "email address RFC".