LDAP support for warnquota by James Bourne <jbourne@hardrock.org> The LDAP support added to warnquota allows you to retreive mail routing information from an LDAP server so that you can send mail to the correct addresses. So for example if usera has the email address usera@foo.bar.com and userb has userb@baz.bar.com you can have the attributes as follows (obvious things missing here): dn: uid=usera,ou=People,dc=bar,dc=com uid: usera mail: usera@foo.bar.com dn: uid=userb,ou=People,dc=bar,dc=com uid: userb mail: userb@baz.bar.com warnquota.conf should be set like this (if you allow anonymous binds and reads of the mail attribute: LDAP_MAIL = true LDAP_HOST = ldap.bar.com LDAP_PORT = 389 LDAP_BASEDN = ou=People,dc=bar,dc=com LDAP_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTE = uid LDAP_MAIL_ATTRIBUTE = mail LDAP_DEFAULT_MAIL_DOMAIN = bar.com If not, just add: LDAP_BINDDN = uid=readonly,dc=bar,dc=com LDAP_BINDPW = it'sapasswd and you will bind as the user readonly and search that way. If you need to do lookups using a different attribute (Novell eDir for example uses cn=username) change the LDAP_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTE to cn. Same with LDAP_MAIL_ATTRIBUTE. If you use mail routing in LDAP (roughly following the Laser Draft) you can set this to mailLocalAddress and warnquota will send to that address. This will guarentee that your quota mail will be delivered to the correct address.