$ git clone https://github.com/etiennetremel/sailsjs-angular-blog.git
$ cd sailsjs-angular-blog
$ npm install
Then you will have to install bower dependencies: If you are not familiar with Bower, please check this documentation. Make sure bower is installed globally, if not do:
$ npm install -g bower
...and install all the dependencies:
$ bower install
Almost finish...
Configure Amazon Web Services to store all the picture: /config/aws.js
Then configure MongoDB /config/adapters.js
If you prefer, use the local configuration file /config/local.js
to store all these informations (documentation available here)
And, lift sails:
$ sails lift
Visit http://localhost:1337/
Admin access:
- Username:
- Password:
###Auto-reload server on file change
Not to be used in production
Make sure you have Nodemon installed: npm install -g nodemon
Then instead of typing sails lift
type nodemon -w . app.js
The server will be automatically reloaded on file change.
- Authentification using Passport
- Write post content with Markdown
- Multiple Image uploader via Amazon AWS
- Tags / Categories
- Search
- Cross-Site Request Forgery Protection
- Notification system (Growl)
- Semantic UI framework
Amazon is used as a storage system for any images you woule like to add to a post. You have to define the credential in the configuration file located in the following folder /config/aws.js
As SailsJS allow to configure a local environment, you should create a /config/local.js
file which should include any settings specifically for your development computer such as:
aws: {
accessKeyId: 'access key to be defined here',
secretAccessKey: 'secret access key to be defined here',
region: 'us-west-2',
bucket: 'my-bucket-name',
endPoint: 's3.amazonaws.com'
adapters: {
'default': 'mongo',
mongo: {
module : 'sails-mongo',
host : 'localhost',
port : 27017,
user : '',
password : '',
database : 'sailsjs-angular-blog'
Admin user is automatically created via /config/bootstrap.js
. Default username/password: admin/admin
has been modified to redirect all requested page to layout.ejs with a 200 status.
- Comment system
- User registration
- ... and much more