JuniorHub is an open source writer community for Junior developers with the promise of helping them scale to senior level one keystroke at a time.
- Fork this repository
- Clone your forked repo by running
$ git clone https://github.com/<your-user-name>/JuniorHub.git
- Navigate to the directory
$ cd /path/to/JuniorHub.
- copy .env.example to .env .
- Add your local database details to the
- Run the following commands
$ composer install
$ php artisan key:generate
$ php artisan config:cache
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan storage:link
$ php artisan serve
- Open your browser tab and load the application on port 8000:
This is an open source project and currently in its early days and undergoing active development. Send me an email @ oparaprosper79@gmail.com
Live server: http://juniorhub.herokuapp.com/