Tool to collect ceph slow ops execution traces from cluster

How to collect data:

* You need user with passwordless ssh to all required osd nodes and passwordless sudo on all of them
* create inventory file - file, with list of all ceph osd nodes one per line by name or by ip,
  on which sshd listening
* If you can run 'git clone':
    - Run 'git clone' on any node,
  which has an access to all osd nodes
    - cd ceph-historic-dumps
    - git checkout stable
* If you can't run 'git clone' (beware this one is downloading current master branch)
    - curl -L -o ceph-historic-dumps.tar.gz
    - mkdir ceph-historic-dumps && cd ceph-historic-dumps
    - tar --strip-components=1 -xvzf ../ceph-historic-dumps.tar.gz
* 'bash ./ -d -P INVENTORY_FILE' to deploy
* 'bash ./ -S -P INVENTORY_FILE' to start services
* 'bash ./ -s -P INVENTORY_FILE' to check current status - all nodes should run daemon
  and log file should grows at about 1-10KiBps per minute speed
* 'bash ./ -l -P INVENTORY_FILE' to collect records file from all nodes
* 'bash ./ -c -P INVENTORY_FILE' to stop logger and clean all nodes (you need to collect logs first)

How to create report:

* Checkout stable label, as described above
* python3.6 -m venv collect_env
* source collect_env/bin/activate
* cd ceph-historic-dumps
* pip install -r requirements.txt
* python -m collect_historic_ops.hdfutil tohdfs HDF_FILE ALL_RECORD_FILES
* python -m report --all HDF_FILE