DesktopAppAutomation - A simple Console app in .Net to automate desktop application by only modifying the config file.
Located at
- DesktopAppAutomation is an automation app that you can use to automate simple to moderate complexity repeated tasks.
- This tool is made using the available Winium.Cruciatus library at
- Clone the project to your local.
- Build it in Release mode.
- Use the 'Inspect.exe' to find the automation control id of the application you want.
- Configure the config file as shown below :
<add key="ExecutablePath1" value="C:/windows/system32/notepad.exe"/>
<add key="Wait0" value="2"/>
<add key="WinFinder1" value="Untitled - Notepad"/>
<add key="SetFocus1" value="15"/> <!-- Id of the Notepad editor area. -->
<!-- In SetText operation ';#' acts as a separator between the control id and the text. -->
<add key="SetText1" value="15;#This demo will open calculator and do some automated operations."/>
<add key="Wait1" value="2"/>
<add key="ExecutablePath2" value="C:/windows/system32/calc.exe"/>
<add key="Wait2" value="2"/>
<add key="WinFinder2" value="Calculator"/>
<!-- Auomation ID For below Windows 10 -->
<add key="FindElementByUid2" value="134"></add> <!-- Id for button 4 -->
<add key="Wait3" value="1"/>
<add key="FindElementByUid3" value="92"></add> <!-- Id for button * -->
<add key="Wait4" value="1"/>
<add key="FindElementByUid4" value="136"></add> <!-- Id for button 6 -->
<add key="Wait5" value="1"/>
<add key="FindElementByUid5" value="121"></add> <!-- Id for button = -->
<!-- Auomation ID For Windows 10, uncomment these if you are using Windows 10 and comment the above Ids -->
<!-- <add key="FindElementByUid2" value="num4Button"></add>
<add key="Wait2" value="1"/>
<add key="FindElementByUid3" value="multiplyButton"></add>
<add key="Wait3" value="1"/>
<add key="FindElementByUid4" value="num6Button"></add>
<add key="Wait4" value="1"/>
<add key="FindElementByUid5" value="equalButton"></add> -->
- Run the ConsoleApplication and watch the magic happening.
- There are eight different kinds of controls avilable.
- For any control appearing more than onnce in the config file, should be suffixed with incremental number. For Example: In the config shown above observe the suffixed interger for 'Wait' as 'Wait0', Wait1', ... 'Wait5'.
- Follow the same convention for all other controls.