
SafeNotes a complete self-hosting secrets sharing app

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


SafeNotes GitHub go.mod Go version GitHub tag (latest by date) Docker Pulls GitHub GitHub last commit GitHub Release Date PullRequests are Welcomed

A self-hosting app that allows to quickly and securely exchange sensitive information, such as credentials.

Full app flow


  • client-side only encryption and decryption of the note's content, the server receives only the encrypted note
  • link to view the note can be sent automatically via email by the application, increasing security by delivering the passphrase through a separate channel different from the one where the passphrase is sent
  • note's content has limited formatting support at the moment, with plans to add support for more specific data formatting (ie. forms for credentials, markdown editing and rendering)
  • automatic note deletion after first open or after a specific time period
  • the content is being kept secure only in-memory and removed after first read
  • UI can be easily personalized with specific logo and email templates can be edited as needed
  • free to use in almost all situations - checkout the (License)[https://github.com/koderhut/safenotes/blob/master/LICENSE]

Feature that will be developed

  • credentials specific form
  • store the note on the client side during the browsing session
  • redis support for storing the notes
  • i18n support for the frontend app
  • dark theme
  • OpenAPI support for the backend
  • improved stats and monitoring
  • rate limiting for the API calls
  • add release packages for all platforms

If you are considering other features that might go well with the app please let me know by creating a feature request issue. I plan to release as soon as a feature is done with security fixes released immediately.

🚀 Getting started

See installation notes in docs.

🔧 Usage

If you installed the application locally just run the following command:

$ ./safenotes serve


Support is available through the Github Issues. If you find any bugs with the app please feel free to open an issue. For security issues please check the security.md file


Jetbrains Logo

I am happy to say that Jetbrains is supporting this application's development through their Open-Source sponsorship program. Thank you Jetbrains!


Contributors are always welcomed and contributions are appreciated. If you would like to help the project in any way please check the contributors guidelines at contributors.md.

🧑‍💻 Tech stack

  • Frontend is using React, TailwindCSS and CryptoJs.
  • Backend is using Go.


📄 License

Check license file found in the repository