
GitHub Actions for periodically backup your database (MySQL, Postgres, or MongoDB) to S3 or local disk.

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backup mongo database backup mysql database backup postgres database

GitHub Action for periodically backup a your database (MySQL, Postgres or MongoDB) to Local Disk or S3 (AWS S3 or Minio).



    - name: backup postgres
      uses: ./
        database_driver: postgres
        database_username: db
        database_password: db
        database_name: db
        database_host: postgres:5432

        storage_driver: s3
        access_key_id: 1234567890
        secret_access_key: 1234567890
        storage_endpoint: minio:9000
        storage_bucket: test
        storage_region: ap-northeast-1
        storage_path: backup


    - name: backup mysql
      uses: ./
        database_driver: mysql
        database_username: db
        database_password: db
        database_name: db
        database_host: mysql:3306

        storage_driver: s3
        access_key_id: 1234567890
        secret_access_key: 1234567890
        storage_endpoint: minio:9000
        storage_bucket: test
        storage_region: ap-northeast-1
        storage_path: backup


    - name: backup mongo
      uses: ./
        database_driver: mongo
        database_username: db
        database_password: db
        database_name: db
        database_host: mongo:27017
        database_opts: "--authenticationDatabase admin"

        storage_driver: s3
        access_key_id: 1234567890
        secret_access_key: 1234567890
        storage_endpoint: minio:9000
        storage_bucket: test
        storage_region: ap-northeast-1
        storage_path: backup

Input variables

See action.yml for more detailed information.

Database Section

  • database_driver - support postgres, mysql or mongo. default is postgres
  • database_username - database username
  • database_password - database password
  • database_name - database name
  • database_host - database host
  • database_opts - see the pg_dump, mysqldump or mongodump command

Storage Section

  • storage_driver - support s3 or disk. default is s3
  • access_key_id - minio or aws s3 access key id
  • secret_access_key - minio or aws s3 secret access key
  • storage_endpoint - s3 endpoint. default is s3.amazonaws.com
  • storage_bucket - s3 bucket name
  • storage_region - s3 region. default is ap-northeast-1
  • storage_path - backup folder path in bucket. default is backup and all dump file will save in bucket/backup directory
  • storage_ssl - default is false
  • storage_insecure_skip_verify - default is false

Schedule Section

  • time_schedule - you may use one of several pre-defined schedules in place of a cron expression.
  • time_location - by default, all interpretation and scheduling is done in the machine's local time zone. you can specify a different time zone on construction.