
Blog post template. Use "Use this template" button and create a new repo under "kodgemisi-blog".

Primary LanguageHTMLOtherNOASSERTION

<Blog post title>

Please read following instructions before writing a blog post
Figure 1. Use this repository as a template
Figure 2. Create new repository in kodgemisi-blog Github organization
  • Choose a descriptive and meaningful repository name.

    • The same name must be used as your package name and maven artifact name.

  • Change com.kodgemisi.blog.demo package to com.kodgemisi.blog.<yourpackage>.

    • Make sure your package starts with com.kodgemisi.blog.

  • Clone the new repo in your local file system and import the repository into your IDE.

  • Edit pom.xml file.

    • Edit all `TODO`s accordingly.

    • Change all change-this fields.

  • Don’t add a configuration file other than application.yml unless it’s specifically required by your blog post subject.

    • Use dev profile unless it’s specifically required otherwise by your blog post subject.

  • Change everything in form of <some text> with your values.

  • Put all images and videos under images folder. Use them as follows: image::images/some.gif[]

  • You need to run mvn clean compile in order the blog post to be generated. It will be generated to docs/index.html file.

  • Remember that this blog post’s default license is public domain.

  • Remove this block.

ASCIIDOCTOR related instructions
  • You can use asciidoc syntax quick reference to quickly learn about ASCIIDOC syntax.

  • While working in development, use mvn asciidoctor:auto-refresh to auto-generate docs/index.html file every time you make changes to README.adoc.

  • Idea can serve generated docs/index.html file via its own local web server.

Figure 3. Use IDEA’s internal static file server to preview the docs/index.html file.
  • By default table of contents shows 2 levels. You can edit it via :toclevels: 4. See details toc levels here.

  • You shouldn’t really need it but just in case, if you need to put some css put them in <style> tag in docinfo.html


< Briefly explain the goal of this blog post.>

< Put an image or preferably a gif/video to show how the finished work would seem or behave >

Getting started

< Explain, in details, the steps to prepare the development environment (Database, cache, library configuration etc.) to successfully run the sample code in this repository. >

<Write your blog post…​>