
LetzShare is a website for users to upload and share photographs of Luxembourg. LetzShare is our final project on Fit4Coding Bootcamp at NumericALL. About LetzShare LetzShare is a website for users to upload and share photographs of Luxembourg. These can be rated and commented upon by other users and the site will keep track of the most liked photos. Luxembourg is a small country nestling between France, Germany and Belgium and is not so well known outside the region. By creating a platform to showcase attractive images of the Grand Duchy we hope to play a role in elevating its profile. Rich in history with many monuments and historic buildings this small country is also favoured by many attractive natural landscapes and beauty spots. As well as this Luxembourg has its own unique culture and hugely diverse and multicultural population with a vibrant culture and nightlife reflecting this. Letzshare will be the platform which allows users to share images of all these aspects of Luxembourg.

Features The core features of LetzShare are for registered users to be able to upload photos with some information about them and for other users to be able to “like” and comment about them. Additional features which will be included if time allows and they prove to be feasible are: The site can have a direct link with Facebook and Instagram so the uploaded photos can be simultaneously shared there. When photos are uploaded from a mobile phone the geodata is automatically included, possibly via a downloadable app. Users can also sign up / login with their Facebook credentials There is a service whereby a user can contact another user, for example if they want to discuss a photo the second user has posted.

Conformance with Project Recommendations

  1. The project must use notions of BackOffice and FrontOffice The site will have different user permissions – unregistered users can only browse the site content. Registered users will be able to upload, like and comment on photos as well as edit their own uploads and their own profile information.
  2. It must include use of a database

The database will be set up using Laravel migrations the principal tables being the photos and users tables, with separate tables to manage comments and likes.

  1. The Front Office part must be integrated using techniques of Responsive Web Design We intend to use the functionality of Bootstrap and equivalent libraries to make the site responsive.
  2. The PHP code must be organized according to MVC architecture using the WebForce3 educational framework We will use the Laravel PHP framework which has this built-in
  3. The PHP code must be object oriented We will use the Laravel PHP framework which has this built-in
  4. The JavaScript code must use at least one external API, or, alternatively, integrate AJAX features As a minimum we will integrate AJAX calls in the user forms. Assuming one or more of the bonus features are completed we will use APIs from one or more of Facebook, Google Maps and Instagram.
  5. The HTML / CSS code must be valid and accessible We will use W3S validation for the code and ensure accessibility by rendering image alt text by PHP from info fields entered by the user.
  6. The project must put into practice some notions related to security, such as password hashing or measures to avoid "SQL injection"-type attacks We will use the inbuilt security features of Laravel for prevention of SQL injection and password hashing.

Team Members Stuart Walker Ricardo Ribiero Michel dos Santos Liliana Grigor

Update Notes

13-Aug 13:00 SQL info migrated using plugin - note in "users" table created_at and updated_at were automatically converted to timestamp email_verified at was not changed and remains as VARCHAR (was timestamp in default "users" table)

14-Aug 15:00 Send Email to reset password 1 - In the terminal: composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle 2 - Put " " in the MAIL_USERNAME and MAIL_PASSWORD
