Hi, I'm David 👋

I've got a lot of experience making all kinds of things, from websites and apps to enterprise scale systems.

I love working with

React Node.JS Laravel Docker Kubernetes TypeScript Gatsby Next JS CSS

🔭 I’m working on

  • Amazing projects for my clients.
  • Helping to train the next generation of developers.

🌱 I’m learning

🤔 I’m looking for help with

  • Skilling up for Web3 and the next wave of web dev

📫 How to reach me

LinkedIn Twitter Medium

Fun facts

  • The & symbol is formed from the letters in et—the Latin word for "and."
  • "b" + "a" + +"a" + "a"; // -> 'baNaNa'
  • Dogs can look up. Bonus fact: I've got two of them.