
Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT


Kodlokal; local code completion using LLM AI


First go, install and run https://github.com/kodlokal/kodlokal


Run the following.

git clone https://github.com/kodlokal/kodlokal.el.git ~/.emacs.d/kodlokal.el

Add the following to your ~/.emacs.d/init.el file.

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/kodlokal.el")

(use-package kodlokal
  (add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions #'kodlokal-completion-at-point)
  (setq use-dialog-box nil))

That will be a nice company mode configuration.

(use-package company
  :defer 0.1
  (global-company-mode t)
   company-idle-delay 0.900
   company-require-match nil
   company-minimum-prefix-length 3
   company-frontends '(company-preview-frontend)
;; init.el ends here

Company mode allows you to cycle

(global-set-key (kbd "s-/") 'company-complete-common-or-cycle)

straight.el (not tested)

(straight-use-package '(kodlokal :type git :host github :repo "alperakgun/kodlokal.el"))

Doom Emacs (not tested)

In packages.el add the following:

(package! kodlokal :recipe (:host github :repo "alperakgun/kodlokal.el"))

Add the example configuration to your config.el file.

AI Assistant

Hydra can allow multiple prompt libraries to be used for

(defhydra hydra-ai (:color yellow
                                   :hint nil)
  "----------------------------Kodlokal AI Assistan --------------------
 i: Complete text
  ("i"  kodlokal-ai-completion)
  ("q"   nil "cancel" :color blue))

(define-key projectile-mode-map  (kbd "s-z") 'hydra-ai/body)