
Spring Boot Examples to illustrate the concepts

Primary LanguageJava


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Spring Boot Examples to illustrate the Spring-boot concepts. This repository contains Java-11 and Java-17 compliant examples. Please find the list of topics along with respective examples in hyperlink:

Introduction to Spring Boot(Theory part)

  • Why spring boot? What is micro-service?
  • Bootstrapping
  • Code structure
  • Embedded tomcat and it's need
  • Spring boot Annotations

Practicals (Java-11 and Java-17 Compliant)

✔️ Runners - spring-boot-application-runner, spring-boot-commandline-runner

✔️ Application properties - spring-boot-encrypted-properties

✔️ Logging - spring-boot-logging

✔️ Embedded tomcat configuration. Please lookup for server.tomcat.* - spring-boot-logging

✔️ Spring Boot Exception handling API - spring-boot-filters

✔️ Spring Rest with spring boot - spring-boot-rest-service

✔️ Actuator - spring-boot-logging

✔️ Interceptor - spring-boot-interceptor

✔️ Servlet Filter - spring-boot-filters

✔️ Encryption using PGP - demo-pgp-encryption

✔️ CORS support - spring-boot-filters

✔️ Internationalization - spring-boot-internationalization

✔️ Scheduing - scheduler-based-on-db-value

✔️ Spring Rest with security(basic auth) - spring-boot-logging

✔️ Spring Rest with security(oauth2 authorization server) - spring-boot-oauth-auth-server

✔️ Spring Boot with Embedded JMS Broker connectivity - spring-boot-artemis-service

✔️ Spring Boot with External JMS Broker connectivity - spring-boot-external-artemis-service

✔️ Spring Boot with Camel(couple of endpoints to be covered - File) - demo-pgp-encryption

✔️ Eureka Discovery server and discovery client - eureka-server-discovery-service

✔️ Eureka server - spring-boot-filters

✔️ Unit testcase(junit 5) - spring-boot-filters

✔️ Spring Boot unit testing with Mockito - spring-boot-filters

✔️ Spring Boot Kafka Producer - spring-boot-kafka-producer-service

✔️ Spring Boot Kafka Consumer - spring-boot-kafka-consumer-service