
SPace Pilot Pro Display Driver

Primary LanguagePython


SPace Pilot Pro Display Driver


SPacePilotProDisplayDriver, or SPPPDD for short, is a python library to interface the 320x240 5-6-5 16Bit RGB LCD Display built in the 3D Connexion SpacePilot Pro.

Thanks to https://github.com/MultiCoreNop/Logitech-G19-Linux-Daemon for reverse engineering the header.


The following is for a Debian Jessie based system. So your mileage may vary on this steps.

Make sure your SpacePilot Pro is plugged in. Try lsusb, it should show somethine like this: > Bus 002 Device 003: ID 046d:c629 Logitech, Inc.

To be able to make the device writeable by the user, you should create a udev rule for your SpacePilot Pro. You can take the following example and write it to something like /etc/udev/rules.d/90-spacepilotpro.udev:

 # Allow userspace access to SpacePilot Pro for plugdev members
 ATTR{idVendor}=="046d", ATTR{idProduct}=="c629", MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev"

This code should also work with the Logitech Display build in the WP: Logitech G19 and alike keyboards or any other device with this kind of Logitech Screen (320x240, 5-6-5 16 Bit RGB). So you might want to change this values above accordingly and also use make sure to use this values in the code as well: spppdd.py.

Make sure your user is a member of plugdev with $ groups $USER. You can add yourself with $ sudo useradd $USER plugdev


python3 (maybe works on python2.7, not tested though) pyusb numpy


See spppdd/executables/.