
Weighted distance aggregation multi person multi camera tracker

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

WDA tracker

The WDA (weighted distance aggregation) tracker is an offline multi camera tracking approach.

It is published as part of The MTA Dataset for Multi Target Multi Camera Pedestrian Tracking by Weighted Distance Aggregation (https://github.com/schuar-iosb/mta-dataset).

This repository is structured in two parts:

The first part can be used to create single camera tracks from an input video. Startable via run_tracker.py.

The second part can be used to cluster single camera tracks to obtain multi camera tracks with subsequent evaluation. Startable via run_multi_cam_clustering.py.

Getting started

Setting up an artefacts folder
Download work_dirs.zip (https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1SMlrtuGsgZ-DMZlIlUThgEpXQI9MOWrL) and unzip it in your base repository folder or create a symlink e.g. ln -s /media/philipp/philippkoehl_ssd/work_dirs work_dirs. It contains one or two re-id and detector models. Furthermore output result files will be stored in this folder.

Install python requirements

Create a new conda environment:

conda create -n wda python=3.7.7 -y

Activate the conda environment:

conda activate wda

Install all needed python packages into the environment:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Go into detectors/mmdetection

and build mmdetection (https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/blob/master/docs/install.md)

pip install -r requirements/build.txt
pip install "git+https://github.com/open-mmlab/cocoapi.git#subdirectory=pycocotools"
pip install -v -e .  # or "python setup.py develop"

Download the MTA Dataset

Go to https://github.com/schuar-iosb/mta-dataset and follow the instructions to obtain the MTA Dataset. It is also possible to use the smaller extracted version MTA ext short at first. Unzip the dataset somewhere.

Configure the single camera tracker

E.g. in configs/tracker_configs/frcnn50_new_abd_test.py and configs/tracker_configs/frcnn50_new_abd_train.py set the data -> source -> base_folder to your MTA dataset location.

E.g. for the test set:

"data" : {
        "selection_interval" : [0,10000],

        "source" : {
            "base_folder" : "/media/philipp/philippkoehl_ssd/MTA_ext_short/test",
            "cam_ids" : [0,1,2,3,4,5]

Run the single camera tracking

Run the single camera tracking to generate single camera tracks.

For the train set:

python run_tracker.py --config configs/tracker_configs/frcnn50_new_abd_train.py

And for the test set:

python run_tracker.py --config configs/tracker_configs/frcnn50_new_abd_test.py

Configure the multi camera clustering

Adjust the following paths of the single camera tracker results in the multi camera clustering config.

E.g. in configs/clustering_configs/mta_es_abd_non_clean.py

"work_dirs" : "/media/philipp/philippkoehl_ssd/work_dirs"
,"train_track_results_folder" : "/home/philipp/Documents/repos/wda_tracker/work_dirs/tracker/config_runs/frcnn50_new_abd_train/tracker_results"
,"test_track_results_folder" : "/home/philipp/Documents/repos/wda_tracker/work_dirs/tracker/config_runs/frcnn50_new_abd_test/tracker_results"
,"train_dataset_folder" : "/media/philipp/philippkoehl_ssd/MTA_ext_short/train"
,"test_dataset_folder" : "/media/philipp/philippkoehl_ssd/MTA_ext_short/test"

Run the multi camera clustering

Run the following command to start the clustering of single camera tracks which have been specified in the config file. As a result multi camera tracks will be output and a subsequent evaluation using several tracking metrics will be performed.

python run_multi_cam_clustering.py \
    --config configs/clustering_configs/mta_es_abd_non_clean.py

Some files for caching and results will be created in the clustering/config_runs/mta_es_abd_non_clean folder. If you change some code it might be necessary that you delete some of these files.

log.txt                        #Contains some log info
cam_homographies               #Contains calculated homographies between cameras                         
multicam_clustering_results    #Contains the multi camera clustering tracks
multicam_distances_and_indices #Contains calculated distances between single camera tracks 
multi_cam_evaluation           #Contains multi camera evaluation results
velocity_stats                 #Contains the average velocity of all persons 
overlapping_area_hulls         #Contains the calculated overlapping areas between all cameras 
person_id_tracks               #Contains pickled person id to tracks dictionary 
pickled_appearance_features    #Contains the pickled appearance feature for all frames
single_cam_evaluation          #Contains the single camera tracks

Other contained scripts

There are also some scripts in the utilities folder e.g. to visualize multi camera tracks:

Tracking results

  • Config files: frcnn50_new_abd_test.py, frcnn50_new_abd_train.py ,mta_es_abd_non_clean.py
    • Person detection: Faster R-CNN ResNet 50
    • Person re-identification: ABD-NET ResNet 50
    • DeepSort Tracker
    • All distances with the weights in mta_es_abd_non_clean.py
  • Dataset
    • MTA ext short


0.40 0.44 0.37 0.83 0.98 188 123 64 1 14723 124852 1846 7140 0.80 0.18

Development info

If you use pycharm for development, it is neccessary to add the following folders as source root. This will add these paths to the python path.


Contained repositories

This repository contains a person detector called mmdetection (https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection).

It also contains two person re-identification approaches strong reid baseline (https://github.com/michuanhaohao/reid-strong-baseline) and ABD-Net (https://github.com/TAMU-VITA/ABD-Net).

For multi person single camera tracking it contains DeepSort from (https://github.com/ZQPei/deep_sort_pytorch) which is originally from (https://github.com/nwojke/deep_sort).

The IOU-Tracker (https://github.com/bochinski/iou-tracker) is also contained but not integrated into the system.

Parts of (https://github.com/ZwEin27/Hierarchical-Clustering) are used for clustering.

For evaluation the py-motmetrics is contained (https://github.com/cheind/py-motmetrics).

An approach for getting distinct colors is used:


Some scripts from the JTA-Dataset (https://github.com/fabbrimatteo/JTA-Dataset) are also contained.


If you use it, please cite our work. The affiliated paper was published at the CVPR 2020 VUHCS Workshop (https://vuhcs.github.io/)

    author = {Kohl, Philipp and Specker, Andreas and Schumann, Arne and Beyerer, Jurgen},
    title = {The MTA Dataset for Multi-Target Multi-Camera Pedestrian Tracking by Weighted Distance Aggregation},
    booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
    month = {June},
    year = {2020}