

gprivate is a project to bring Pixel-exclusive SystemUI and Settings features to AOSP ROMs via merging and extraction of code and resources. This approach guarantees 100% accuracy to the Pixels.


Clone this repo to vendor/gprivate and inherit the product makefile: $(call inherit-product-if-exists, vendor/gprivate/

Important note: your SystemUI/Settings modifications CANNOT change any AOSP dagger elements. This is an inherent limitation of this approach in its current form and will not change for the foreseeable future.


gprivate supports all the same configuration overlays as real Pixels and a few custom properties:

  • persist.acryl.columbus.use_ap_sensor (default: true) - whether to use AP-based sensor for Columbus. Don't set this unless you know what you're doing
  • persist.acryl.columbus.model (default: tap7cls_redfin.tflite) - select the model for AP-based Columbus. This should be configured to best match your device. Supported values: tap7cls_bramble.tflite, tap7cls_coral.tflite, tap7cls_crosshatch.tflite, tap7cls_flame.tflite, tap7cls_redfin.tflite