
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Microphaser is a tool for phasing small tumor DNA sequences - e.g. coding for small peptides - in linear time.
It can be used in tumor neoantigen prediction to generate the neo-peptidome.


Microphaser is available for installation via conda. Use conda install -c biconda microphaser to easily install the current version.



To use microphaser, you need the following input files:

  • a sorted and indexed bam file containing mapped tumor reads
  • a reference genome in fasta format
  • a matching gene and transcript annotation in gtf format
  • a bcf/vcf file containing germline and somatic variants, where somatic variants should be flagged with a SOMATIC INFO tag
  • optional: a bcf/vcf file containing only germline variants


Microphaser returns three important files:

  • two filtered fasta files containing all neopeptides and their wildtype counterparts for further use with MHC-binding prediction tools
  • an info file in tsv format containing meta-information about every neopeptide

The info table consist of the following fields:

  • id: peptide identifier as found in the fasta files
  • transcript: Ensembl transcript name
  • gene_id: Ensembl gene name
  • gene_name: Gene symbol
  • chrom: Chromosome
  • offset: Position of the neopeptide on the chromosome
  • freq: Frequency of the neopeptide occurring in all reads overlapping the peptide position
  • depth: Read depth at the peptide position
  • nvar: number of variants in the neopeptide
  • nsomatic: number of somatic variants in the neopeptide
  • nvariant_sites: number of variant sites in the range of the neopeptide
  • nsomvariant_sites: number of somatic variant sites in the range of the neopeptide
  • strand: Strand orientation of the transcript (forward or reverse)
  • somatic_positions: Positions of the somatic variants in the neopeptide
  • somatic_aa_change: Somatic Amino Acid changes occuring in the neopeptide
  • germline_positions: Positions of germline variants in the neopeptide
  • germline_aa_change: Germline Amino Acid changes occuring in the neopeptide
  • normal_sequence: Nucleotide sequence of the wildtype peptide
  • mutant_sequence: Nucleotide sequence of the neopeptide


Currently, microphaser consists of four different submodules:

  • somatic (returns neopeptides and their corresponding normal peptides)
  • normal (returns all normal peptides of the patient)
  • build_reference (returns a binary file representing the patients normal peptidome)
  • filter (compares neopeptides against the normal peptidome and removes self-similar candidates)

You can run microphaser like this:

Phasing of the tumor reads and variants:

microphaser somatic tumor.bam -r reference.fasta -b all_variants.bcf -t neopeptides.info.tsv -n peptides.wt.fasta < annotation.gtf > peptides.mt.fasta

Generation of the patients healthy peptidome:

microphaser normal normal.bam -r reference.fasta -b germline_variants.bcf < annotation.gtf > healthy_peptides.fasta

Building the reference binary file of the healthy peptidome:

microphaser build_reference -r healthy_peptides.fasta -o peptides.bin > peptides.translated.fasta

Filtering the neopeptide candidates from subcommand microphaser somatic:

microphaser filter -r peptides.bin -t neopeptides.info.tsv -o neopeptides.filtered.info.tsv -n normal_peptides.filtered.fasta > neopeptides.filtered.fasta
