
udev rules for some WWAN modems

Primary LanguageShell

udev rules for some WWAN modems

99-wwan.rules defines udev rules for some 3G/UMTS/LTE modems. It addresses the issue that the ttyUSB devices are numbered randomly, and their numbering can vary between server reboots. These rules create persistent symlinks which can be reliably used in WWAN interface startup scripts.

These rules assume that there is only one WWAN modem in the system. In order to address multiple WWAN cards, the rules need to be more specific and associate with serial numbers of the modems.

Also 99-usb-serial.rules defines rules for some USB serial adapters, in order to create persistent symlinks for each serial port.

Also Debian configuration instructionns are listed for some WWAN modems. They are made for Sunrise UMTS network in Switzerland, and you may need to modify the APN name for your network.

Copyright (c) 2016 Stanislav Sinyagin ssinyagin@k-open.com.

This content is published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) lincense.

Source repository: https://github.com/ssinyagin/wwan_udev_rules