
Simpleio - http based real time messaging backed by mongodb.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Simple long polling based communication.

  • support for router/balancer without sticky sessions (f.e. Heroku)
  • optimized for horizontal scaling
  • reliable message delivery (built-in delivery confirmation)
  • multiplexing on the server and client
  • lightweight client (appr. 2.5 kb minified and gzipped)
  • simple client spec, which can be implemented easily in any language

Why not socket.io

  1. Websockets have problems in the real world:
  • it doesn't work with some reverse proxies
  • it doesn't work on some PaaS (f.e. heroku)
  • fallbacks are difficult to implement right
  1. Websockets performance is not required for chats
  2. Loosing messages is not acceptable for chats and co.
  3. Socket.io codebase is big, difficult to fix and has lots of issues.
  4. Communication with storages is not reliable in clustered environment. It also scales bad because of the way socket.io communicates between servers in case of reconnects. This is especially a problem if using long-polling.


  • tests
  • documentation
  • native client for ios
  • native client for android


// Latest release
npm i simpleio

or master version (on your risk)

git clone git@github.com:kof/simpleio.git
make install
make build


See examples

  • Start the server.js (pass a storage optionally)
  • Open index.html in browser


Client and server side javascript API

Spec for clients

Usage example on the client

  1. Include build/simpleio.min.js on your site.

     // If you you wrap the module into amd or if you are using some of require/define
     // implementations.
     var simpleio = require('simpleio');
     // Plain javascript
     var simpleio = window.simpleio;
  2. Create a client, pass ajax implementation from jquery or similar:

     var client = simpleio.create({ajax: jQuery.ajax});
  3. Start connection:

  4. Listen to any messages:

     client.on('message', function(message) {
         console.log('new message:', message);
  5. Or listen to specific events:

     client.on('myevent', function(data) {
         console.log('new data', data);
  6. Listen to error events:

     client.on('error', console.log);
  7. Send a message to the server:

     client.send('My message', function() {
         console.log('Message sent');

Usage example on the server

  1. Create simpleio server:

     // Using default memory adapter as a storage.
     var simpleioServer = simpleio.create()
         .on('error', console.error);
     // Using mongodb as a storage
     var simpleioServer = simpleio.create({adapter: new simpleio.adapters.Mongo()})
         .on('error', console.error);
  2. Accept GET/POST requests on the simpleio route using any web framework (/simpleio is default)

    Express example:

         .use(express.session({secret: '123456'}))
         .all('/simpleio', function(req, res, next) {
             // Next steps here.
  3. Create incomming connection whithin simpleio:

     var connection = simpleioServer.open({
         user: userId,
         client: req.param('client'),
         delivered: req.param('delivered')
  4. Listen to events on connection instance:

         .once('close', function(data) {
             // Send data to the client.
         .once('error', next)
         .on('error', console.error);
  5. Read POST param "messages" to get messages from client:

     if (req.param('messages')) {
         console.log('Got messages', req.param('messages'));
  6. Send a message to a user:

         .send(function(err, delivered) {
             console.log('Delivered', delivered, err);
  7. Send a message to multiple users:

         .recipients(recipient1, recipient2 ...)
         .send(function(err, delivered) {
             console.log('Delivered to all users', delivered, err);
  8. Broadcast a message - no delivery confirmation:

         .recipients(recipient1, recipient2 ...)
         .broadcast(function(err, broadcasted) {
             console.log('Broadcasted, broadcasted, err);

Run bench

Ensure running mongodb first.

node bench/adapter