This store is for people who is already using mongodb and don't want to add redis. Pubsub is implemented via "mubsub" module, which is using capped collections and tailable cursors.
Any benches or experiences in comparison to redis are welcome.
If "msgpack" is installed, it will be used instead of JSON.stringify/parse.
npm i
var socketio = require(''),
express = require('express'),
MongoStore = require(''),
app = express.createServer(),
io = io.listen(app);
io.configure(function() {
var store = new MongoStore({url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/yourdb'});
store.on('error', console.error);
io.set('store', store);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.emit('news', { hello: 'world' });
socket.on('my other event', function (data) {
// Default options
// collection name is prefix + name
collectionPrefix: '',
// capped collection name
streamCollection: 'stream',
// collection name used for key/value storage
storageCollection: 'storage',
// id that uniquely identifies this node
nodeId: null,
// max size in bytes for capped collection
size: 100000,
// max number of documents inside of capped collection
num: null,
// db url e.g. "mongodb://localhost:27017/yourdb"
url: null,
// optionally you can pass everything separately
host: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
db: 'socketio'
new MongoStore(options);
On my mb air with locally installed db's, using absolutely the same code, only different storages. Testing pubsub means each event is published and received, testing storage means every key is set, read and deleted.
node bench --db mongo --test pubsub --amount 50000
Testing pubsub , using mongo , amount: 50000 , data: mytestdata
pubsub: 5772ms
node bench --db redis --test pubsub --amount 50000
Testing pubsub , using redis , amount: 50000 , data: mytestdata
pubsub: 5106ms
node bench --db mongo --test storage --amount 20000
Testing storage , using mongo , amount: 20000 , data: mytestdata
storage: 8382ms
node bench --db redis --test storage --amount 20000
Testing storage , using redis , amount: 20000 , data: mytestdata
storage: 6224ms
npm i
make test