The most complete plugin there is to develop Android applications within vim.
Install the plugin using your favorite plugin manager (e.g. NeoBundle):
NeoBundle "hsanson/vim-android"
Add g:android_sdk_path to your vimrc with the absolute path where the android sdk is installed:
let g:android_sdk_path = /path/to/android-sdk
Optionally add g:gradle_path to the absolute path whre gradle is installed:
let g:gradle_path = /path/to/gradle
Open a java or xml file of your project and use the Android command to compile, clean, test, lint or install your application:
:Android clean
:Android assembleDebug
:Android installDebug
:Android connectedCheck
:Android lint
- Automatically detect if file belongs to an android project when opening a java or xml file.
- Updates the CLASSPATH environment variable to include jar and class files for the target Android API, included libs, external lib-projects and the current project. This can be used by other plugins like javacomplete2 to enable omnicompletion of these libraries.
- Updates the SRCPATH environment variable to include the current project source path and any other dependency source files available. This allows plugins like vebugger to track source during debugging within vim.
- Sets custom gradle vim compiler.
- Sets an extensive errorformat that captures java errors, linter errors, test errors, aapt errors and adds them to the qflist.
- Adds commands to build and install APK files in one or all devices/emulators present.
- Adds commands to generate tag files for the Android SDK as well as your Android application.
Refer to the doc/vim-android.txt file for details on usage and configuration of this plugin.