A Python plugin for Domoticz to control Enigma2 tuner
- Based on repository https://github.com/lrybak/domoticz-airly/
- and script for Samsung TV: https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Plugins/SamsungTV.html
pip3 install -U xmltodict
Make sure your Domoticz instance supports Domoticz Plugin System - see more https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Using_Python_plugins
Get plugin data into DOMOTICZ/plugins directory
git clone https://github.com/kofec/Domoticz-Enigma2
First use script "tinycontrol.py" to verify if you have needed python modules e.g:
./enigma2.py -h
usage: enigma2.py [-h] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] IPaddress
Comunicate with Enigma2.
positional arguments:
IPaddress IP address of Enigma2
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--user USER Username to login to
--password PASSWORD Password to login to
- check where modules was installed and in file plugin.py find and correct below variable if needed pathOfPackages = '/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages'
Restart Domoticz
- Go to Setup > Hardware and create new Hardware with type: Enigma2 with Kodi Remote
- Enter name (it's up to you), user name and password if define. If not leave it blank
cd YOUR_DOMOTICZ_PATH/plugins/Domoticz-Enigma2
git pull
- Restart Domoticz
In case of issues, mostly plugin not visible on plugin list, check logs if plugin system is working correctly. See Domoticz wiki for resolution of most typical installation issues http://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Linux#Problems_locating_Python