
Permet de générer des attestations de déplacement automatiquement avec gestion intégrée de la localisation et sauvegarde du profil en local.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Checkout the video for a quick example: https://youtu.be/vbKlCVfm-9U


All information are set in the browser local memory, nothing on server :)

When the website start, it fetch the local storage automaticaly. If you want for some reason change the local information, just click on the red "Remove" button !

If it's the first time, you juste have to click on the green "Add" button, and fill the informations:

Your information are set, but you just want to change de location, it's easy, click on right input button, and the browser ask you to use location detection:

Then, the input is set with your current location, but feel free to change if you need !

Note: the delay button is used to reduce the time by 15 minutes, 30 minutes or nothing :)!

Step 1

Go to register on https://locationiq.com/ and get your API KEY Then open ./static/app.js file and fill the first line : const API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY";

Step 2

Create a directory mkdir pdf Execute npm install to install the node_modules Execute npm install --save express && npm i morgan --save && npm i ejs --save

Step 3

Because your need to be https to run the geolocalization, you have to generate your own certificates:

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./server.key -out server.cert

Step 4

Install pm2 by executing npm -g i pm2 (or with favorite tool, brew, etc.) Then your can start the program by 2 ways: --> node nico.js or --> pm2 start nico.js Big advantage for pm2 because it's on the background task, and your can monitor the logs by the command : pm2 monit

Step 5

Open your browser: https://localhost:3000 Then if you want to allow the access from everywhere, register on https://www.noip.com/ and use the free tier service to set a custom url "whatyouwant.ddns.net". Then you can use port forwarding on your router (NAT) on this specific port 3000, from the authorize local IP.

ENJOY ! :)