
  • passes ESlint
  • 'on' and 'off' return the firepad instance
  • single file
  • undo will combine edits with less than 500ms between them
  • checkpoint frequency is 50 edits (instead of 100)
  • delete revisions older than one week before the last checkpoint on document load
  • save first checkpoint after CHECKPOINT_FREQUENCY edits since loading
  • attribute changes (font/bold/etc) will not affect spaces around it
  • removed ace support
  • rich text copy/cut/paste
  • update toolbar buttons state when attribute changes
  • lineClassRemover only removes classes starting with 'firepad-'
  • correctly handle attribute changes at the end of the line
  • correctly handle cursor at the beginning of a non empty line
  • correctly handle attributes when backspacing
  • correctly pars spaces at the beginning of pasted html lines
  • remove highlight key binding (so ctrl+h can be used for replace)