Pinned issues
- 2
- 1
A small problem...
#141 opened by ulrichloose - 1
Custom local storage
#144 opened by jschenke488 - 0
Ability to set min widow width and height
#143 opened by ninopiamonte - 1
Option to disable swipe feature?
#139 opened by ishaanrathodd - 2
Netflix doesn't work
#142 opened by skull-squadron - 0
No notifications on Instagram
#138 opened by ishaanrathodd - 3
Cannot access local network/localhost
#110 opened by Rastafabisch - 3
- 0
In Sonoma 14.6.1 Command Q is not working...
#140 opened by ulrichloose - 2
#132 opened by pkrayzy - 3
Icon doesn't show in the dock
#131 opened by retorquere - 1
Instagram links being opened in external browser
#126 opened by casualbugs - 1
Fails to load Notion
#135 opened by lewisflakes - 1
CSS Debugging
#133 opened by needo37 - 1
Microphone, Welcome access?
#136 opened by gussic - 0
Enable camera/microphone usage
#118 opened by smammy - 1
Debugging mod for app.
#134 opened by bokamix - 1
- 3
Multi 3.0: Window size isn't remembered
#123 opened by casualbugs - 0
Feature: passkey support?
#130 opened by retorquere - 2
Feature request: icon from URL
#129 opened by retorquere - 0
Remember Zoom
#128 opened by NeighNeighNeigh - 0
Slack custom cookie for enable notifications
#125 opened by caliguIa - 0
Remove window and tab titles
#127 opened by waynehoover - 8
- 4
Support for macOS 11.x
#124 opened by voltechs - 1
Error: unsealed contents present in the bundle root
#121 opened by kofigumbs - 4
[Question] Tabs & Sessions
#122 opened by voltechs - 1
Localization for Multi
#99 opened by Jerry23011 - 5
Broken in macOS 14.0 (Sonoma) public beta
#116 opened by jinhao-luo - 0
Support for PassKey auth (on google & others)
#117 opened by antifuchs - 0
Reintroduce Notification badge JS API
#119 opened by kofigumbs - 1
- 5
- 2
Multi app not respecting top-level config
#113 opened by popscallion - 4
- 0
Always on Top
#111 opened by EmaadKhwaja - 1
- 2
Dark Mode JS or CSS
#108 opened by Genxster1998 - 1
Can Multi be a container for multiple web apps?
#106 opened by vurtomatic - 2
- 1
Unsupported browser version for Gmail
#104 opened by clinejj - 2
Trying to make an app, but it wont work
#103 opened by Parakeet709 - 0
Can't go fullscreen on YouTube
#100 opened by sudhz - 0
Content Blocking Rules Applied After Loading
#101 opened by pkrayzy - 2
Confirm before closing
#95 opened by Brin-o - 2
CMD+Z not working on TiddlyWiki
#93 opened by Brin-o - 2
Example apps
#92 opened by hyperknot - 0