
Test submission for the sketch takehome assessment


  • A server that draws ascii art based on payload
  • Canvas is stored with an identifier and can be fetched with the same endpoint without a body.
  • Database migrations
  • Docker compose for easy running


cd into the project folder and run docker compose up after which you should have a postgres service and the web server running

Server documentation

A single endpoint is exposed on the server POST /draw?id=<arbitrary_id>.

If a json body is passed, then that body is uded to generate the canvas and art, if a body is not passed, then the body from the previous request is used (if there is no body for that identifier, then a 404 is returned)

body format

Here is a sample response

  "rectangles": [
      "start_x": 15,
      "start_y": 0,
      "width": 7,
      "height": 6,
      "outline": "",
      "fill": "."
      "start_x": 0,
      "start_y": 3,
      "width": 8,
      "height": 4,
      "outline": "O",
      "fill": ""
      "start_x": 5,
      "start_y": 5,
      "width": 5,
      "height": 3,
      "outline": "X",
      "fill": "X"
  "fills": [
      "start_x": 0,
      "start_y": 0,
      "character": "-"

And here is the output for the above request

O      O-------.......-
O    XXXXX-----.......-

Validation rules

  • Rectangles is required
  • Fills is optional
  • start coords and dimensions are required
  • either one of fill/outline is required

Running tests

To run tests set the following env variables and run go test ./...

	POSTGRES_MIGRATIONS (path to the migrations folder)