Python script that can be used to automate testing of software/scripts/etc on VMs (currently only VirtualBox is supported). Based on VBoxManage command line interface and does not require VirtualBox SDK.
Both Windows and Linux are supported as host OS.
Stable versions are available in Releases
Essential commands (command line interface):
python \
putty.exe \
--vms w10_x64 w10_x86 \
--snapshots live
All options (command line interface):
python \
putty.exe \
--vms w10_x64 w10_x86 \
--snapshots snapshot1 snapshot2 \
--vboxmanage /usr/bin/vboxmanage \
--timeout 60 \
--info 1 \
--threads 2 \
--verbosity info \
--log vm_automation.log \
--ui gui \
--login user \
--password 12345678 \
--remote_folder desktop \
--network keep \
--resolution '1920 1080 32' \
--pre 'C:\start.cmd' \
--post 'C:\stop.cmd'
- You must have Windows as guest OS with autologin configured (or have snapshot with user logged in)
- You must have VirtualBox guest additions installed
- It is strongly recommended to have live snapshots to restore to (otherwise it will be much slower)
- Distribute workload to multiple physical hosts
- Implement web interface
- Support for configuration files (' --config my_config')
Version 0.7.2:
- Added function to enumerate guest properties - vm_enumerate()
- Updated list_ips() function
- Added functions to control snapshots - vm_snapshot_take() and vm_snapshot_remove(). Currently not used.
Version 0.7.1:
- Added option to redirect log to file ('--log vm_automation.log'). Default: log to console ('--log console').
Version 0.7:
- Added option to control number of concurrently running tasks ('--threads 2'). Set to '0' to set to number of VMs.
- Added option to control log verbosity ('--verbosity debug|info|error').
- Added parameter ignore_status_error to vm_stop() function. Can be used when trying to stop already stopped VM. Disabled by default.
- Added aliases for vm_copyto() and vm_copyfrom() functions - vm_upload() and vm_download().
- Fixed command line arguments processing
- Added unittests for some of the functions ('tests/').
- Other minor updates for few functions
Version 0.6.2:
- Bug fixes in list_snapshots() function
Version 0.6.1:
- All functions now return exactly 3 values: [exit_code, stdout, stderr]
- New function to get IP addresses of guest - vm_functions.list_ips(vm)
- Fixes in arguments parser
Version 0.6:
- Script now can use all available VMs ('--vms all') and snapshots ('--snapshots all'). Use with caution and make sure you have only testing VMs
- New function to get list of snapshots for specific VM - vm_functions.list_snapshots(vm)
- Script updated to handle keyboard interrupts (Ctrl+C)
- Option to set random screen resolution from most common ones ('--resolution random')
- Some tweaks and fixes
Version 0.5:
- All functions moved to external files: vm_functions (all VM control functions) and support_functions (randomize filename, calculate hash and show links to Google/VT)
- Main routine moved to file
- New function to get list of VMs - vm_functions.list_vms()
- Fixed logic when file was removed before execution - script will move on to the next task without waiting for timeout
Version 0.4:
- Updated to use 'argparse' to parse command-line arguments
- All of the settings now can be configured via the command line (see '--help' or examples above)
Version 0.3.1-0.3.2:
- Optionally calculate sha256 hash of a file and show links to VirusTotal and Google searches
- Small fixes
Version 0.3:
- Added option to enable/disable network for guest OS
- Added option to start scripts before/after running the main file
- Added option to change the display resolution
- Code refactoring
Version 0.2:
- Added parallel execution of multiple VMs
- Code refactoring
Version 0.1:
- First public release
- Windows host (version 0.7.2):
- Linux host (version 0.2-0.3):
You can support further development with a donation (Thanks!)
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