This repository contains the code I have written alongside my learning of Finance 
from the "Introduction to Finance" course offered by the University of Michigan on 
Coursera, taught by Professor Gautam Kaul []. 
Although the course teaches solving basic Finance problems using Excel, I have 
eschewed excel and implemented my own functions in Python to hone my computing skills. 
Using python has also allowed me to document my work using IPython notebooks, where 
I store a copy of the question on the notebook, and write code to call my own 
functions to find the solutions.

In this repository, you will find a PDF of the formulae that are taught in this course
and which are the formulae I implement in module. In observance of 
the course rules, where we are not allowed to post the answers to any of the question 
on the course forums, and the course instructors of TAs will never release
any exact answers to any of the problems, I have excluded my IPython notebooks from 
this repostory.

### Change on 3 April 2016 ###
Seeing that the online coursera course has been revamped and modified so 
much, that it seems its no longer free too, I believe the assignments have 
changed a lot, and it should be safe to commit my work up here too.