Practice Dokku NextJS


Install Dokku on Digital Ocean

  1. Create Digital Ocean droplet with Dokku pre-installed
  2. Follow this guide

Create app in Dokku

  1. dokku apps:create practice-dokku

Prepare local app to push to Dokku

  1. Create your app with git locally
  2. Add remote dokku url
    git remote add dokku dokku@123.456.789.012:practice-dokku
  3. Push to dokku remote
    git push dokku master
  4. Your application will be launched on a particular port number Eg: 23149. Thus your application URL will be like [Provided you use the buildpack. If you use Dockerfile, then the port number will be your docker file configuration]
    • Remember to open up the port number on your DO if not you will not be able to access the website. Follow this guide
  5. To change your application port number to port 80. Follow this guide

Adding a domain

  1. dokku domains:add practice-dokku www.domain.tld
  2. Remember to configure your DigitalOcean records

SSL Certificates

  1. Make sure the app has a domain.
  2. Install dokku-letsencrypt.
  3. dokku letsencrypt node-app
  4. dokku letsencrypt:cron-job --add so the certificate is renewed automatically every 3 months.

Resources referred