
A multi-source-wrangling-incremental-and-full-loading Data Importer for ElasticSearch/Algolia

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Elasticsearch Data Import Handler

Elasticsearch/Algolia Data Import Handler

A data import handler for Elasticsearch/Algolia

  • Simple
  • Powerful
  • Use SQL statements that can span multiple databases, text files, and ElasticSearch/Algolia indexes
  • Process full load and incremental updates
  • Output columnar and structured JSON to ElasticSearch/Algolia

Running is simple. With Java 8 installed, download a release and then run it:

kohesive-es-dih <configFile.conf>

The config file is in HOCON format which is a relaxed version of JSON and allows multi-line-string which is very useful when writing larger SQL statements.

The configuration file follows this format:

  "sources": {
    "elasticsearch": [ ],
    "jdbc": [ ],
    "filesystem": [ ]
  "prepStatements": [ ],
  "importSteps": [ ]

First you should provide 1 or more sources. Each source becomes a temporary table in a unified catalog of tables from which you can query and join together.

Optionally, you can include preparatory steps in prepStatements which are usually additional temporary tables that may be shared by the later import steps. The prepStatements execute in order and do not do any date range substitution.

Lastly you specify importSteps which are queries that use any of the sources and temporary tables created in prepStatements; where the results of each SQL query is pushed into an Elasticsearch index.

Tip: The SQL used is anything available to Apache Spark SQL

Let's start with an example,

...of loading 1 table from MySQL into Elasticsearch:

  "sources": {
    "jdbc": [
        "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test?useSSL=false",
        "driverClass": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
        "defaultSchema": "test",
        "auth": {
          "username": "myusername",
          "password": "mypass"
        "driverJars": [],  # MySQL and Postgres JARS are included automatically, this property can be omitted completely
        "tables": [
            "sparkTable": "Users",
            "sourceTable": "UserEntities"
  "importSteps": [
      "description": "Data loaders for base data sets",
      "targetElasticsearch": {
        "nodes": [
        "settings": {
          "es.index.auto.create": true
      "statements": [
          "id": "Q4499_1233",
          "description": "Load User data into ES",
          "indexName": "aa-test-user",
          "indexType": "user",
          "newIndexSettingsFile": "./test-index-settings-and-mappings.json",  # optional, otherwise template or infered mappings are applied
          "settings": {
            "es.mapping.id": "guid"
          "sqlQuery": """
                SELECT guid, first_name, last_name, organization 
                  FROM Users
                 WHERE dtUpdated BETWEEN '{lastRun}' and '{thisRun}'

You will see that the JDBC source is provided, which must include the JDBC driver for the database, connection information, and a mapping from the original sourceTable database table to the temporary table sparkTable that will be used in later SQL queries. The name sparkTable is used because this system runs an embedded Apache Spark, and is creating Spark SQL tables from the configuration.

Since this process runs in Apache Spark, there might be additional options you wish to set when the data is loaded. For advanced users who know what these are, you can add settings map at the the jdbc connection level to apply to all tables within that connection, or at the per-tables level of the configuration to apply to only one table.

The importSteps are a collection of target Elasticsearch clusters and one or more SQL statements for each. Each statement must have a unique id so that state can be tracked, changing or removing the id will result in a full data load running for a given query.

Notice that the SQL statement includes the use of the {lastRun} and {thisRun} macros. These will substitute the current date/time into the SQL as a SQL Date formated string. The granularity is SECONDS, and the local time zone of the data import processor is used. Also, be sure to put the date macros inside quotes.

(Since version 0.9.0-ALPHA) SQL statements can also be provided in a file, using sqlFile instead of sqlQuery, where the file path is relative to the configuration file.

The indexType field is the target type within the Elasticsearch indexName for the documents. You can use either the literal type name, or include a macro of {fieldName} where fieldName is one of the fields in the SQL result set.

The newIndexSettingsFile is optional and allows a settings+mappings JSON file to be applied when creating a new index. Otherwise any index templates or implied mappings will be used on index creation. The es.index.auto.create flag must be active (by default it is), otherwise this file is not used.

The settings object for Elasticsearch are important, and the most common basic settings you may wish to set (at either the connection or statement level) are:

Setting Description
es.index.auto.create Whether to auto-create the target index if it doesn't already exist, default is true
es.mapping.id Which field in the SQL results should be used as the ID for the document (if absent, autogenerated ID's are used)
es.ingest.pipeline Which ingest pipeline should be used to pre-process incoming records into Elasticsearch

Tip: For advanced use cases, please see documentation for Elasticsearch-Spark settings.

Let's try a more complex example,

...of joining a csv text file to the SQL statement

  "sources": {
    "jdbc": [
         # ... same as previous example
     "filesystem": [
            "directory": "/data/sources/raw",
            "tables": [
                "sparkTable": "UserEmotions",
                "format": "csv",
                "filespecs": [
                "settings": {
                  "header": true,
                  "inferSchema": true
  "importSteps": [
      "description": "Data loaders for base data sets",
      "targetElasticsearch": {
        # ... same as previous example
      "statements": [
          "id": "Q4499_1233",
          "description": "Load User data with merged Emotions into ES",
          "indexName": "aa-test-user",
          "indexType": "user",
          "settings": {
            "es.mapping.id": "guid"
          "sqlQuery": """
                SELECT u.guid, u.first_name, u.last_name, u.organization, ue.emotion 
                  FROM Users AS u LEFT OUTER JOIN UserEmotions AS ue ON (u.guid = ue.guid)
                 WHERE u.dtUpdated BETWEEN '{lastRun}' and '{thisRun}'

We have changed the configuration adding the file source. Here the directory must exist and then filespec is a list of specific filenames, or wildcards. For example ["test1.csv", "test2.csv"] or ["test*.csv"] are both valid. Here again you may see settings maps appearing at the filesystem directory level or for each table.

The format may be csv, json, tab delimited, or any other import file format supported by the default Apache Spark distribution. Some settings you might find useful for csv include:

Setting Description
header Whether a header line is present or not (true/false)
delimiter What delimiter between the fields, default ,
quote If fields are quoted, what character is used for quoting, default "
escape If escaping of characters is needed, what character is used, default \
charset If the file is not UTF-8, what charset is it?
inferSchema The system can infer datatypes by scanning all the data first, then loading in a second pass (true/false)
nullValue This string can replace any null values, otherwise they are truly null
dateFormat specifies a date format for recognizing and parsing date fields (follows SimpleDateFormat)

Tip: For other use cases, read all CSV Options

And if you want an example with an Elasticsearch source

...here is the additional part of the configuration:

  "sources": {
    "elasticsearch": [
        "nodes": [
        "tables": [
            "sparkTable": "SearchDocuments",
            "indexName": "document-contents-2017",
            "indexType": "rawdoc",
            "esQuery": {
              "match_all": {}
    # ...

Now I have the Elasticsearch index acting as a table. Like before, settings maybe applied at the connection or tables level if you have special needs. And please note that the esQuery contains the first level of query filtering, and if absent defaults to a match_all query. You can write the query as above, or you can also include the top level "query": { ... }" element surrounding the query.

Let's go for it, here's a bigger example

...showing an import that generates nested JSON and also a preparatory step creating temporary tables.

We will use the same source tables as the previous examples and imagine that we now have Orgs and OrgMembers tables. We will create a final list of Users with their organizations nested inside each. We also will update the users if any of the related tables change. This might cause an explosion of updates, so be careful with your planning about how you use the {lastRun} and {thisRun} values.

  "sources": {
    # ... same as above but we have added `Orgs` and `OrgMembers`
  "prepStatements": [
      "description": "Create views of only the active users",
      "sqlQuery":  """
            CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW ActiveUsers AS
                SELECT * FROM Users WHERE isActive = 1
      "description": "Create views of only the active orgs",
      "sqlQuery":  """
            CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW ActiveOrgs AS
                SELECT * FROM Orgs WHERE isActive = 1
  "importSteps": [
      "description": "Data loaders for base data sets",
      "targetElasticsearch": {
        "nodes": [
        "settings": {
          "es.index.auto.create": true
      "statements": [
          "id": "X9A90Z_1",
          "description": "Load denormalized User + Org Memberships into ES",
          "indexName": "aa-test-user",
          "indexType": "{docType}",
          "settings": {
            "es.mapping.id": "guid"
          "sqlFile": "structured-user-load.sql"

and the structured-user-load.sql file placed in the same directory:

WITH orgMembers AS
   SELECT our.guid AS roleOrgGuid, our.userGuid AS roleUserGuid, our.orgUserRoleType AS roleType, our.dtUpdated AS dtRoleUpdated,
          oe.displayName AS orgDisplayName, oe.dtUpdated AS dtOrgUpdated
     FROM ActiveOrgs AS oe JOIN OrgMembers AS our ON (our.orgGuid = oe.guid)
userWithOrg AS (
   SELECT ue.guid, struct(ue.*) AS user, struct(om.*) AS orgMembership
     FROM ActiveUsers AS ue LEFT OUTER JOIN orgMembers AS om ON (om.roleUserGuid = ue.guid)
modifiedUserData AS (
    SELECT guid, first(user) as user, collect_list(orgMembership) AS orgMemberships
             FROM userWithOrg AS ue
            WHERE user.dtUpdated between "{lastRun}" AND "{thisRun}" OR
                  orgMembership.dtRoleUpdated between  "{lastRun}" AND "{thisRun}" OR
                  orgMembership.dtOrgUpdated between  "{lastRun}" AND "{thisRun}"
         GROUP BY guid
usersWithEmotions AS (
    SELECT mu.*, em.emotion FROM modifiedUserData AS mu LEFT OUTER JOIN UserEmotions AS em ON (mu.guid = em.guid)
SELECT user.accountType as docType, user.guid,
       user.identity, user.displayName, user.contactEmail, user.avatarUrl, user.gravatarEmail, user.blurb,
       user.location, user.defaultTraitPrivacyType, user.companyName, user.isActive, user.isHeadless,
       emotion, user.dtCreated, user.dtUpdated, orgMemberships FROM usersWithEmotions

Ok, that was a bit much. But here is some research you can do. In the SQL Functions API Reference you will find the collect_list and struct functions. They are used above to create structured results, like nested JSON. The struct() function is combining columns into an object, and the collect_list is aggregating the objects into an array.

We are also using the guid from the result set as the Elasticsearch document _id, and we have a literal field coming back in the documents that we are using via the indexType setting as a macro {docType} pointing at that field from the result set. This is handy if different documents in the results will have different types.

So at the end we have a result that looks like:

  "docType": "...",
  "guid": "...",
  "identity": "...",
  # ...
  "orgMemberships": [
         "roleOrgGuid": "...",
         "orgDisplayName": "...",
         # ...
         "roleOrgGuid": "...",
         "orgDisplayName": "...",
         # ...


To define Algolia index as an import step target, configure the targetAlgolia inside your import step config like this:

"importSteps": [
      "description": "Load products table into Algolia index",
      "targetAlgolia": {
        "applicationId": "YOURAPPID",
        "apiKey": "yourapikey"

The statement configuration is almost identical to the one of ElasticSearch: use index field to specify the Algolia index, and the idField to specify the row that would be used as Algolia index's objectID (optional):

"statements": [
    "id": "Import-Products-Table,
    "description": "Load products data into Algolia index",
    "idField": "product_id",
    "indexName": "ProductsIndex",
    "sqlQuery": """
      SELECT id AS product_id, product_name, manufacturer_name FROM Products 
      JOIN Manufacturers ON Products.manufacturer_id = Manufacturers.id
      WHERE product_modify_date BETWEEN '{lastRun}' AND '{thisRun}'

Algolia target also supports "Delete" statements, which must return a column with a name defined by idField (see above), containing the objectIDs to be deleted from Algolia index. To define such a statement, specify the "action": "delete" in its definition, e.g.:

"statements": [
    "id": "Clear-Products-Table,
    "description": "Delete previously removed products from Algolia index",
    "idField": "product_id",
    "indexName": "ProductsIndex",
    "action": "delete",
    "sqlQuery": """
      SELECT product_id FROM DeletedProducts
      WHERE product_delete_date BETWEEN '{lastRun}' AND '{thisRun}'

SQL Reference:

The data import handler uses Spark SQL, and you can read the Spark SQL Reference for full details on the supported SQL.

A list of SQL Functions is available in raw API docs. (TODO: find better reference)

The Data Import Handler also defines some UDF functions for use within SQL:

Function Description Since Version
stripHtml(string) Removes all HTML tags and returns only the text (including unescaping of HTML Entities) 0.6.0-ALPHA
unescapeHtmlEntites(string) Unescapes HTML entities found in the text 0.6.0-ALPHA
fluffly(string) A silly function that prepends the word "fluffly" to the text, used as a test function to mark values as being changed by processing 0.6.0-ALPHA

Auth and HTTPS for Elasticsearch

(Since version 0.8.0-ALPHA)

For basic AUTH with Elasticsearch you can add the following to the source or target Elasticsearch definitions:

    "basicAuth": {
        "username": "elastic",
        "password": "changeme"

And for SSL, enable it within the Elasticsearch definition as well:

   "enableSsl": true

Here is a full example, when connection to Elastic Cloud instance:

"targetElasticsearch": {
    "nodes": [
    "basicAuth": {
        "username": "elastic",
        "password": "changeme"
    "port": 9243,
    "enableSsl": true,
    "settings": {
      "es.index.auto.create": true,
      "es.nodes.wan.only": true

Note the use of the es.nodes.wan.only setting to use the external host names for the cluster members, and not internal AWS addresses.

State Management and History:

State for the lastRun value is per-statement and stored in the target Elasticsearch cluster for that statement. An index will be created called .kohesive-dih-state-v2 which stores the last run state, a lock for current running statements, and a log of all previous runs (success and failures, along with row count processed by the statement query).

You should inspect this log (index .kohesive-dih-state-v2 type log)if you wish to monitor the results of runs.


By default, the data import handler is running locally with Processors-1 parallelism. You can set the following top-level configuration setting to change the parallelism:

    "sparkMaster": "local[N]",
    "sources": { 
        # ... 

Where N is the number of partitions you wish to run. Since this is the Spark master setting, some people might try connecting to a Spark cluster using the setting. It just might work!

Memory Issues

If you run out of memory you can set the Java VM parameters via the KOHESIVE_ES_DIH_OPTS environment variable before running the kohesive-es-dih script. For example, to set it to 2G: -Xmx2g

For Spark driver and executor memory settings (Since version 0.9.0-ALPHA), you can add Spark Configuration settings in sparkConfig map, for example:

    "sparkMaster": "local[4]",
    "sparkConfig": {
       "spark.driver.memory": "300mb",
       "spark.executor.memory": "512mb"
    "sources": { 
        # ... 

Note that spark.executor.memory has a minimum allowed value that you cannot go below, and you will receive an error if it is set to low or the JVM does not have enough memory.

Other Spark memory configuration settings such as usage of off-heap space can be defined as mentioned above in the Spark Configuration settings.

Query Caching:

Prior to version 0.10.0-ALPHA all queries were cached into memory which could cause an overflow. Now by default they are not cached. For each statement (preperatory or import statements) you can specify these properties to control caching, otherwise no caching is performed.

   "cache": true,
   "persist": "MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER"

Where the persist setting is one of the storage levels defined in the RDD persistence guide, and the default is MEMORY_ONLY which might overflow memory if not enough JVM or off-heap space is permitted.

Note that caching helps with preparatory steps that are then used later, or to speed up the two step process of running the main import queries followed by counting the number of rows that the query caused to be imported. But it is not required.

NUMBER and DECIMAL Types Being Disallowed

If you have errors such as:

Decimal types are not supported by Elasticsearch

This is an issue explained further by the Elasticsearch team in ES-Hadoop #842.

Basically, they want to avoid precision loss during the SQL stage and instead let Elasticsearch use knowledge of the actual mappings later to do the conversion. So the recommendation is that you cast the type to a String type of decimal, or a Integer type if not and then let the conversion happen at the moment of indexing.

This would look something like:

SELECT id, name, cast(somethingDecimal as String) AS somethingDecimal, dtCreated, dtUpdated
   FROM myTable


See: Issues for TODO, feature requests, ideas and issues.

Special Thanks

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