
A mxnet object detection library contains implementations of RFCN, FCOS, RetinaNet, OpenPose, etc..

Primary LanguagePython

Pre-trained Models

You can download pre-trained models from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LQnVHb5Xo6fKknUiOa1fXmGI_MCucGTC?usp=sharing

ModelName Dataset Backbone mAP with DCN with Sync BN Target Size Max Size IM_PER_IMAGE Number of GPUs Epochs
FCOS No Tricks COCO2017 ResNet50 0.367 False False 800 1333 4 4 6
FCOS No Tricks COCO2017 Mobilenetv1-1.0 0.222 False False 500 833 4 4 6
FCOS COCO2017 ResNet50 - True False 800 1000 2 3 14
HRNet-cls - - See HRNet - - - - - - -
RetinaNet COCO2017 ResNet50 0.325 False False 500 833 2 3 6
OpenPose COCO2017 Dilated-ResNet50 0.564 False False 368 368 4 3 40
OpenPose COCO2017 VGG16 0.561 False False 368 368 4 3 40
RFCN VOC12+07 Dilated-ResNet101 0.825 Only 3 False 800 1280 1 3 6
RFCN VOC12+07 Dilated-ResNet50 0.804 Only 3 False 800 1280 1 3 6
FPN(MS) COCO2017 SEResNext50_32x4d 0.376 True False 800 1280 1 4 5
FPN(MS) COCO2017 Dilated-ResNet101 0.412 True False 800 1280 1 4 5

FCOS No Tricks means the setting is same as original paper, i.e., centerness is on cls branch, GN is added, use P5 instead of C5, and other setting like norm_on_bbox, centerness_on_reg, center_sampling is set to False. The mAP reported by the original paper is 0.371. For more information about FCOS, please see fcos.md

For OpenPose, please go into https://github.com/kohillyang/mx-openpose for more information.

RFCN trained on VOC is reported as mAP@IoU=0.5 according to VOC Metric, and it is slightly different from mAP @IoU=0.5 of COCO.

MS means the model is using multi-scaling when training.

FPN(MS) and RFCN are bought from https://github.com/msracver/Deformable-ConvNets and rewritten by new Gluon API, their performance should be same with the model from https://github.com/msracver/Deformable-ConvNets.


Greatly thanks to https://github.com/wkcn/MobulaOP by @wkcn.

If you have any question or suggestion, please feel free to send me a mail or create an issue.

Todo List:

  • FCOS+Tricks(center sampling, centerness on reg head, gIoU, gFocalLoss, etc.).
  • ATSS/PAA based on FCOS.
  • Train OpenPose with HRNet
  • PolarMask