
Experiments with geth and solc

Install geth and solc

Run a private net (Reference)

  • Start a network: geth --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 8545 --dev --datadir privchain

Leave this window open. We will refer to this as the node-window

Create accounts and mine

  • Attach console to network: geth attach ipc://Users/$USER/privchain/geth.ipc

We will refer to this as the console-window

In the console-window:

  • Create account: personal.newAccount('')
  • Set this as default account: web3.eth.defaultAccount = eth.accounts[0]
  • Do some mining: miner.start(), wait for a bit.
  • In the node-window, you will see mining activity. miner.stop() to finish mining
  • Check balance: web3.eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0])

Transfer some coin

In the console-window:

  • Create account: personal.newAccount('')
  • Transfer coin: web3.eth.sendTransaction({to:eth.accounts[1],value:1000})
  • You might need to unlock account using personal.unlockAccount(eth.accounts[0],'')
  • miner.start() then miner.stop()
  • Check balance: web3.eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[1])

Complete API reference:

Deploy a smart contract

  • First get solc using npm install -g solc solc-cli
  • Create multiply.solc:
pragma solidity ^0.4.15;

contract test {
  function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d){
    return a * 7;
  • Compile using solc multiply.solc

  • Files would be output into ./contracts/*abi ./contracts/*.bin

  • Create contract using abi: MyContract = web3.eth.contract(<Copy as is from ./contracts/multiply*.abi>)

  • Load bytecode: bytecode = "0x<Copy as is from ./contracts/multiply*.bin>"

  • Make sure bytecode is good using web3.eth.estimateGas({data: bytecode})

  • Create contract:

contractInstance ={
    data: bytecode, gas: 1000000, from: account1
  }, function(e, contract){
        "Contract transaction send: Transaction Hash: "+contract.transactionHash+
        " waiting to be mined...");
      } else {
        console.log("Contract mined! Address: "+contract.address);
    } else {
  • Mine the contract using miner.start() then miner.stop()

Next steps