
A decorated version of @friendsofreactjs/react-css-themr that renders object-type CSS-in-JS styles using emotion

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A decorated version of @friendsofreactjs/react-css-themr that renders object-type CSS-in-JS styles using emotion.

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What does it do?

This package allows you to theme a React component by:

  1. Decorating the component with this package's themr() Higher-Order Component
  2. Passing the decorated component a theme prop containing object-type CSS property-value pairs, in addition to CSS modules (i.e. an object of strings)
  3. Using this package's ThemeProvider component to pass context themes containing object-type CSS property-value pairs to child components

(Don't worry, there are usage examples below!)

Beyond that, our themr() and ThemeProvider have the same API as the originals from @friendsofreactjs/react-css-themr, so please read that project's documentation as well.


@kohlmannj/react-emotion-themr has the following peerDependencies:

To install all dependencies you'll need, run either this npm command:

$ npm install --save @kohlmannj/react-emotion-themr @friendsofreactjs/react-css-themr emotion react

…or this yarn command:

$ yarn add @kohlmannj/react-emotion-themr @friendsofreactjs/react-css-themr emotion react

Usage Examples

Let's import the themr() Higher-Order Component and use it to enhance a base Button component (this code is almost identical to @friendsofreactjs/react-css-themr's first example)

// Button.jsx
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { themr } from '@kohlmannj/react-emotion-themr'; // note the package name!

class Button extends Component {
  render() {
    const { theme, icon, children } = this.props;
    return (
      <button className={theme.button}>
        {icon ? <i className={theme.icon}>{icon}</i> : null}
        <span className={theme.content}>{children}</span>

export default Button;

Here's where things get interesting: we can now pass our Button component a theme prop whose values are object of CSS property-value pairs. @kohlmannj/react-emotion-themr uses emotion to render these CSS objects to classNames:

import React from 'react';
import Button from './Button';

// These CSS properties will be rendered to classNames by emotion behind the scenes!
const successTheme = {
  button: {
    backgroundColor: 'transparent',
    border: '2px solid rebeccapurple',
    borderRadius: '8px',
  icon: {
    float: 'left',
    width: '48px';
    height: '48px',
  content: {
    color: 'rebeccapurple',
    fontSize: '20px',
    fontWeight: 'bold',

export default props => (
  <div {...props}>
    <p>Do you like it?</p>
    <Button theme={successTheme}>Yeah!</Button>