[x] done User Story 1, Parent Index

For each parent table As a visitor When I visit '/parents' Then I see the name of each parent record in the system

[x] done User Story 2, Parent Show

As a visitor When I visit '/parents/:id' Then I see the parent with that id including the parent's attributes (data from each column that is on the parent table)

[x] done User Story 3, Child Index

As a visitor When I visit '/child_table_name' Then I see each Child in the system including the Child's attributes (data from each column that is on the child table)

[x] done User Story 4, Child Show

As a visitor When I visit '/child_table_name/:id' Then I see the child with that id including the child's attributes (data from each column that is on the child table)

[x] done User Story 5, Parent Children Index

As a visitor When I visit '/parents/:parent_id/child_table_name' Then I see each Child that is associated with that Parent with each Child's attributes (data from each column that is on the child table)

[x] done User Story 6, Parent Index sorted by Most Recently Created

As a visitor When I visit the parent index, I see that records are ordered by most recently created first And next to each of the records I see when it was created

[x] done User Story 7, Parent Child Count

As a visitor When I visit a parent's show page I see a count of the number of children associated with this parent

[x] done User Story 8, Child Index Link

As a visitor When I visit any page on the site Then I see a link at the top of the page that takes me to the Child Index

[x] done User Story 9, Parent Index Link

As a visitor When I visit any page on the site Then I see a link at the top of the page that takes me to the Parent Index

[x] done User Story 10, Parent Child Index Link

As a visitor When I visit a parent show page ('/parents/:id') Then I see a link to take me to that parent's child_table_name page ('/parents/:id/child_table_name')

[x] done User Story 11, Parent Creation

As a visitor When I visit the Parent Index page Then I see a link to create a new Parent record, "New Parent" When I click this link Then I am taken to '/parents/new' where I see a form for a new parent record When I fill out the form with a new parent's attributes: And I click the button "Create Parent" to submit the form Then a POST request is sent to the '/parents' route, a new parent record is created, and I am redirected to the Parent Index page where I see the new Parent displayed.

[x] done User Story 12, Parent Update

As a visitor When I visit a parent show page Then I see a link to update the parent "Update Parent" When I click the link "Update Parent" Then I am taken to '/parents/:id/edit' where I see a form to edit the parent's attributes: When I fill out the form with updated information And I click the button to submit the form Then a PATCH request is sent to '/parents/:id', the parent's info is updated, and I am redirected to the Parent's Show page where I see the parent's updated info

[x] done User Story 13, Parent Child Creation

As a visitor When I visit a Parent Children Index page Then I see a link to add a new adoptable child for that parent "Create Child" When I click the link I am taken to '/parents/:parent_id/child_table_name/new' where I see a form to add a new adoptable child When I fill in the form with the child's attributes: And I click the button "Create Child" Then a POST request is sent to '/parents/:parent_id/child_table_name', a new child object/row is created for that parent, and I am redirected to the Parent Childs Index page where I can see the new child listed

[x] done User Story 14, Child Update

As a visitor When I visit a Child Show page Then I see a link to update that Child "Update Child" When I click the link I am taken to '/child_table_name/:id/edit' where I see a form to edit the child's attributes: When I click the button to submit the form "Update Child" Then a PATCH request is sent to '/child_table_name/:id', the child's data is updated, and I am redirected to the Child Show page where I see the Child's updated information

[x] done User Story 15, Child Index only shows true Records

As a visitor When I visit the child index Then I only see records where the boolean column is true

[x] done User Story 16, Sort Parent's Children in Alphabetical Order by name

As a visitor When I visit the Parent's children Index Page Then I see a link to sort children in alphabetical order When I click on the link I'm taken back to the Parent's children Index Page where I see all of the parent's children in alphabetical order

[x] done User Story 17, Parent Update From Parent Index Page

As a visitor When I visit the parent index page Next to every parent, I see a link to edit that parent's info When I click the link I should be taken to that parent's edit page where I can update its information just like in User Story 12

[x] done User Story 18, Child Update From Childs Index Page

As a visitor When I visit the child_table_name index page or a parent child_table_name index page Next to every child, I see a link to edit that child's info When I click the link I should be taken to that child_table_name edit page where I can update its information just like in User Story 14

[x] done User Story 19, Parent Delete

As a visitor When I visit a parent show page Then I see a link to delete the parent When I click the link "Delete Parent" Then a 'DELETE' request is sent to '/parents/:id', the parent is deleted, and all child records are deleted and I am redirected to the parent index page where I no longer see this parent

[x] done User Story 20, Child Delete

As a visitor When I visit a child show page Then I see a link to delete the child "Delete Child" When I click the link Then a 'DELETE' request is sent to '/child_table_name/:id', the child is deleted, and I am redirected to the child index page where I no longer see this child

[x] done User Story 21, Display Records Over a Given Threshold

As a visitor When I visit the Parent's children Index Page I see a form that allows me to input a number value When I input a number value and click the submit button that reads 'Only return records with more than number of column_name' Then I am brought back to the current index page with only the records that meet that threshold shown.

[x] done User Story 22, Parent Delete From Parent Index Page

As a visitor When I visit the parent index page Next to every parent, I see a link to delete that parent When I click the link I am returned to the Parent Index Page where I no longer see that parent

[x] done User Story 23, Child Delete From Childs Index Page

As a visitor When I visit the child_table_name index page or a parent child_table_name index page Next to every child, I see a link to delete that child When I click the link I should be taken to the child_table_name index page where I no longer see that child