
This is the task that check the healthy nodes on Arweave

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Arweave Health Check Task

javascript  cli version  made-by-koii 

📖 Overview

This task is a simple health check for Arweave that running on Koii.network K2 nodes. It will check the following:

  • The health nodes on the Arweave network
  • The health of the transaction on each nodes

It will return the number of all nodes and healthy nodes, then the data will upload to IPFS and return the CID.

📦 Install

npm install or yarn install

🚀 Usage

npm run test or yarn test

It will run the whole task and return the result.

📝 Main Functions

  • coreLogic.js
    • arweave_task()
    • arweave_validate()
  • data.js
    • addData()
    • getData()
  • namespaceWrapper.js

Core Logic

This is the main function that will run the whole task. It will call the arweave_task() function to get the data and upload to IPFS. Then in fetchSubmission() function, it will upload cid to K2 as the submission in a specific round. In next round it will call the arweave_validate() function to validate the data. If the data is valid, the task Vote is true, your submission will be in the distribution list and wait to get the reward.


This function will get the data from Arweave and upload to IPFS. It will return the number of all nodes and healthy nodes, then the data will upload to IPFS and return the CID.


This function will validate the submission from K2, which contain proofs of node and CID from IPFS. It will return true if the data is valid. Otherwise, it will return false.


This is the main database function. It use nedb to store the data. In database, it will have pendingId which is arweave nodes wait to be verified and healthyID which is the healthy nodes. It will also have the data from IPFS.


This is the main function to interact with task node. It provide several functions to interact with task node. For example: - namespaceWrapper.fs(). It use to wirte or read file if needed. - namespaceWrapper.storeGet(). It use to store data in database. - namespaceWrapper.getRound(). It use to get current round of task.

Run and test

To run and test the whole task, please create a .env file and add the following:

SPHERON_WEB3_STORAGE_KEY="<Your Web3.storage Key>"

If you do not have the key, please go to web3.storage to get one.

Then run the following command:

npm run test or yarn test

To update the testing rules, please go to tests/main.test.js.