New York, NY • (732)-668-3123 • LinkedIn • Github • Portfolio
Java, Javascript, Jquery, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PSQL, Sinatra
Familiar with React, Redux, Stylus, Sentry Debugging, Firebase, Local storage
Fluent in Cantonese, basic Japanese
Catch of the Day -- April 2018
Written in React.js
- Created a responsive React application for handling a custom menu creation scenario for businesses
- Offers Github, Facebook, and Twitter authentication for handling separate stores and accounts
- Uses a Firebase database and local storage to hold data about the store and owner of menu while allowing editing and updates in real time on the front end and database
Reduxstagram -- March 2018
Written in React and Redux
- Created a copycat Instagram photo hosting site to learn to use Redux/ Redux developer tools
- Uses Redux actions and reducers in order to create comments and update information about posts to increment likes
- Deployed on Netlify with Sentry error tracking to fix and track bugs on the user side
BuzzBites -- May 2016
Written in Javascript
- Project goal: Create an application that grabbed a user's location from the browser and searched for nearby trending restaurants using FourSquare API
- Created visual experience by using Instagram API to search for pictures related to restaurants returned by Foursquare API and populating the front-end with Instagram photos
Web Developer -- March - June 2016
General Assembly, Web Development Immersive
New York City
- Attended class during a 3 month period learning about industry standards in regards to programming and technology practices
- Worked on multiple projects utilizing tech and programming skills to create web apps and become a full stack developer
IT Intern, End User Experience -- May - August 2015
Tiffany and Company
Parsippany, NJ
- Worked closely with Active Directory team in order to facilitate and coordinate a communication system migration within the corporation on a global scale
- Responsible for meeting minutes documentation, team coordination, client communication and managerial assistance by request
Rutgers University (New Brunswick), BA: Information Technology & Informatics, 2016
ES6 for Everyone, 2018
React for Beginners, 2018