- 0
Bug: 缺少 canvas 服务的声明合并
#45 opened by TTsdzb - 0
Feature: Connect to Existing Browser Instance
#43 opened by MaikoTan - 0
Feature: 提供 Page Pool,提升渲染速度
#34 opened by maxoyed - 0
DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
#40 opened by idranme - 4
bug: 调用 ctx.puppeteer.render 时无法加载本地资源
#25 opened by TTsdzb - 6
Feature(pptr): 让 Puppeteer 尊重 Koishi 全局代理设置
#22 opened by Lipraty - 1
Feature: 调整pptr渲染图片的格式(或大小)
#36 opened by OneTrueSum95 - 0
- 0
Docs: 侧边导航栏路由异常
#32 opened by maxoyed - 0
Bug: canvas.loadImage 加载本地图片报错
#30 opened by initialencounter - 0
- 0
Bug: Console Market 无法安装 puppeteer
#28 opened by HuanLinOTO - 2
希望能加入`headless: "new"` 配置项消除 warning
#27 opened by DiceTwenty - 1
bug: 样式(字符串)传入 puppeteer 以后被转义了
#24 opened by Seidko - 29
Bug: puppeteer未正常运行
#1 opened by vlssu - 2
网页截图 -f 不生效
#20 opened by medicago087 - 2
#23 opened by Kabuda-czh - 1
#21 opened by Gradua11y - 0
- 0
- 14
#14 opened by KuroshioDev - 0
- 5
Bug: 使用 html 组件没法正常加载本地文件
#2 opened by KuroshioDev - 3
- 1
#11 opened by xmbhjQAQ - 3
Bug: 无法识别到 Edge
#10 opened by H4M5TER - 0
BUG: html造成的内存泄漏
#8 opened by HuanLinOTO - 1
FR: launch函数
#7 opened by HuanLinOTO - 0
- 1
#4 opened by 54huige - 1