
Simple and probably buggy Game Of Life in Elm

Primary LanguageElm

Simple and probably buggy Game Of Life in Elm

"It compiles"

Code I started writing at Elmsinki meetup #2 at 2016-05-04 and got it working the next day. I tried to do most of obvious cleanup but not sure what kind of refactorings should be done. Any feedback is very welcome.

Runnable using elm package install -y && elm reactor from the working directory and going to or directly in your browser.

After writing this I remembered to google on the topic and there is at least one blog post/tutorial related to elm and game of life: http://sonnym.github.io/2014/05/05/writing-game-of-life-in-elm/. I did not however follow it at all. There are also other github repositories named elm-game-of-life.

I started working from elm-tutorial.org's StartApp.Simple phase by first doing the rendering, then the wrapping offset location function, then the game rules. I moved on to plain StartApp to get Effects.tick once I had single steppable game view via button clicks.

Things I couldn't figure out

I wanted to utilize Time.fpsWhen with controllable fps but couldn't realize how to control it with the current state. I ended up stepping and rendering everything on each tick after user has pressed the "Start" button. Building a controllable delay while operating on requestAnimationFrame or Effects.tick seemed too wasteful.

Update after upgrading to elm-0.17

Effects.tick has now been replaced with elm-lang/animation-frame (thanks @gdotdesign). Couldn't figure out a better way to keep using elm-matrix than to temporarily copy Matrix.elm and Matrix/Random.elm over due to the test dependencies not (yet) being provided as 0.17 versions. I guess other prettier choices could had been made, but me publishing a crate just for 0.17 support by removing test support would make even less sense. Hopefully the elm-matrix deps get updated soon.

Elm-reactor no longer server raw html for some reason. Need to use python -m SimpleHTTPServer to serve html, css, and elm.js.