
Quick and dirty pcap file support for testing tokio-io codecs

Primary LanguageRust


Quick and dirty support for reading pcap files in order to test a tokio-io codec.

I wrote this initially to support testing my eventstore-tcp against packet capture containing packets sent by the original client library and EventStore server. Figured it would be simpler than to write a protocol dissector... The end result is not pretty or idiomatic rust but it might help you. Patches are most welcome.

Currently the library supports:

  • reading the basic pcap structures
  • ethernet frames (partial)
  • ip headers (partial)
  • tcp headers (partial)
  • tcp connections (client initiated and shut down, probably misbehaves on retransmissions)
  • bring-your-own tcp connection tracking (in the example)

I've only used the library on samples acquired by tapping into loopback device connections so there is probably inadequate support for any real-life packet captures with tcp retransmissions and whatnot.

If you want to experiment with this against your own tokio_io::codec::Decoder implementation, take a look at the examples/read-eventstore_tcp-pcap.rs which I've tried to annotate as well as possible.

The example:

  • assumes every starting tcp connection is an eventstore-tcp connection, which can be successfully decoded using the provided codec(s)
  • shows how to:
    • select only the tcp frames
    • track connections
    • feed tracked connections data
    • decode the buffered data into Decoder::Item