:cat: A simple shop management system for pet cafe owners

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This service is for pet cafe owners and their employees, who has a hard time managing many pets.


  • Timeline tabs (index.*)

    • The present time is marked by a red line in the middle.
      • User can compare the today’s task with the current time to know when to work.
    • User can select completion and necessity of each task.
      • When user select each task then pop up will pops up and ask user to select completion and necessity of that task.
      • If user answer then it is linked to firebase and reflected in calendar.
    • Differentiate completion and necessity by color.
      • completed tasks : green color
      • unfinished tasks : red color
      • not needed tasks : gray color
  • Noti tabs (index.*)

    • The number of notifications is provided in a small red circle in the Noti tab.
    • When user click each notification then it will delete.
  • Add schedule (index.*)

    • Select repetition status.
      • Tasks of managing pets will often be repeated, so we allow user to choice days to repeat, date to start and date to end.
    • Select pets
      • User can choose among the managed pets to perform the task together.
  • Tasks (calendar.*)

    • User can see the tasks by month, week, day and list.
    • Differentiate completion and necessity by color.
      • Same with timeline.
      • When user brings the mouse to each task then calendar tells user what kind of tasks it is.
    • User can drag and drop tasks at the calendar.
      • When user changes the date of a task by drag and drop at the calendar, then it is linked to firebase and reflected in timeline.
      • To avoid confusion, user can drag and drop only non-repeating tasks.
  • Shop (shop.*)

    • Show timetable for the part-time job.
    • reflects current/next shift status in the main page.
    • can add new shift or modify already exist shift.
  • Statistics (stats.*)

    • Show statistics of tasks of past 7 days, in groups.
    • Immediately reflects group/task state changes.
    • Color scheme is same as timeline.