
Gahaha - Simple ORM of Apache Groovy for sample codes.

Primary LanguageGroovyMIT LicenseMIT

Gahaha - Simple ORM of Apache Groovy for sample codes.

During the experiment now.


Gahaha is not yet provided on Maven repository etc.
So, please clone this repository and execute gradle build.
Then you can find build/libs/gahaha-{VERSION}.jar.
So, you have to include this jar file into your classpath.
e.x.) groovy -cp gahaha-0.1.jar:. test.groovy

test.groovy is like following.

import gahaha.*

class Person {
    String name
    Integer age

Person a = new Person(name:"Gahaha!", age:31).save()
assert a.id == 1
assert a.name == "Gahaha!"
assert a.age == 31

new Person(name:"TEST").save()
assert Person.count() == 2
Person.list().each { Person person ->
    println "Hello ${person.name}(${person.age})!"