
Stryder is a powerful server framework designed to collect data on internet service providers. It is a part of a larger website that helps people understand vendor reliability and can be used for AIOps data enrichment use cases.

Stryder collects data in various forms such as direct tests against a provider's service or information found on their site such as a status page. It can be deployed as an on-box agent or as a third-party poller.


Stryder consists of the following key components:

  1. Stryder Core: The central orchestrator of the system. It schedules and manages data collection, determines where data should be stored, and processes requests to schedule the execution of data collection.

  2. Stryder Plugins: Modules that provide integrations for data collection and storage. They interact with the Stryder Core to perform these tasks.

  3. Stryder Agent: A packaged combination of Stryder Core and Stryder Plugins. The agent can be deployed on servers either as an on-box agent or as a third-party poller.

Additionally, Stryder monitors its own execution metrics, including CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, and disk usage. It reports these metrics to various observability platforms.

Project Structure

The Stryder project is organized as follows:

Each directory has a specific purpose:

  • cmd/: Contains the application's main files. Each file in the cmd/ directory corresponds to a buildable artifact.

  • pkg/: Contains the majority of the code. It's where other, non-main packages are defined.

  • api/: Definitions of API types and protocol definition files.

  • scripts/: Scripts to perform various build, install, analysis, etc operations.

  • test/: Additional external test apps and test data.

Getting Started

This section will be updated with instructions on how to install and run Stryder.


This section will be updated with instructions on how to contribute to the Stryder project.


This section will be updated with information on the project's license.