Pinned Repositories
Materials for "Computational techinques for handling health (malaria) data imbalance in machine learning-based modeling" from AMMnet Kigali meeting 2024
This is a mini project about the comparison of certain brain volume collected from individual as part of the larger Cam-CAN brain study. I collaborated with Abdulrahmon A. Olagunju on this project
TReND school in Comp Neuro and ML
Medical data analysis
A repository for my works in LF modelling. Updates of files will be made over time
This is a python code for a simple human onchocerciasis modelling developed by Basáñez & Boussinesq (1999). Paper reference:
A python code of the TRANSFIL model developed by MIke Irvine used to model the dynamics of lympahtic filariasis over time. The model simulates individuals with varying worm burden, microfilaraemia, and demographic factors associated with age and susceptibility to infection using a stochastic micro-simulation approach.
The count data and model codes for analysis for the paper "Using zero-inflated and hurdle models to analyze schistosomiasis count data of school children in the southern areas of Ghana" are presented here. The codes are a combination of Python and R codes.
kojonketia's Repositories
kojonketia doesn’t have any repository yet.