
This api for our react transaction app which is at ..link to react app repo..


How to use

  1. clone this project
  2. Run cd api-transaction
  3. Run npm i
    1. Run npm run dev. you must have nodemon otherwise run npm i nodemon then run npm run dev


This api server will have 2 api end points

  1. User endpoint
  2. Transacting endpoint
  3. All the endpoint will follow the following path {rooturl}/api/v1

User API

User api will use the following path {rooturl}/api/v1/user. This api will allow client to crate user, login and more |#|PATH|METHOD|IS PRIVATE|DESCRIPTION| |1.|/|POST|FALSE|CREATE NEW USER|

Transaciton API

User api will use the following path {rooturl}/api/v1/transaction. This api will allow client to do CRUD operation on transaction table

| # | PATH | method | IS PRIVATE | DESCRIPTION | | 1. | '/' | GET | true | allow user to fetch their own transaction only | | 2. | '/' | POST | true | allow user tO post new transaction, data should be send as an object{} | | 3. | '/' | GET | true | allow user to fetch their own transaction only | | 4. | '/' | DELETE | true | allow user to delete single or multiple of their own transaction only |