
I am building an application through which you can automatically get the name of the color by clicking on them.

List of libraries used:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • OpenCV
  • argparse

Reason/inpiration behind this project:

I am learning about OpenCV library and I wanted to do something with the library.


colors.csv - Details of color name and three primary colors Red, Green and Blue and hex number.

About OpenCV: It is also known as Compuer Vision

  • In OpenCV library we can show image, brur it, make it black and white image with simple coding.
  • cv2.imshow("original image",img) - To show the image.
  • img = cv2.blur(img, ksize = (5, 5)) - To blur the image.
  • I have drawn a rectangle and to get the color name to draw text on the window using cv2.rectangle and cv2.putText() function.


  • I am using argparse library to create an argument parser. So I can directly give an image path from the command prompt.
  • I am using pandas library to read colors.csv file to load the data in the DataFrame.
  • Calculate distance to get color name - I have the r,g and b values. Now, I have another function which will return us the color name from RGB values. To get the color name, we calculate a distance(d) which tells us how close we are to color and choose the one having minimum distance.
  • To calculate distance d I used this Formulae - (d) = abs(Red – ithRedColor) + (Green – ithGreenColor) + (Blue – ithBlueColor)
  • To run this program from command prompt - python -i
  • We can find the colors of any pictures by giving the image path and name.